1. Water conservation in E3SM

    1. Efforts to improve water conservation in developing v1 (2016)

      1. Document from Tony Craig (https://acme-climate.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/1802010719/budget_doc.txt?api=v2)

      2. Water conservation in ATM and CPL (/wiki/spaces/ATM/pages/82182188 ) (https://acme-climate.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/1802010719/Zhang_gmd_2018.pdf?api=v2)

      3. Water conservation in LND and CPL (/wiki/spaces/LND/pages/82673881 ); Water budget diagnostics

      4. Documentation on how to use the/wiki/spaces/NGDLE/pages/890241220 in the land

      5. Water conservation in OCN, ICE, and CPL (/wiki/spaces/OCNICE/pages/82674159 )

      6. Water conservation in MOSART and CPL (/wiki/spaces/LND/pages/82674468 )

    2. Diagnostic checks in developing v2

      1. /wiki/spaces/EWCG/pages/1041302006

  2. Energy conservation in E3SM

    1. Energy fixer in coupled model to account for inconsistency in energy definition between atmosphere and ocean (see Appendix A in Golaz et a. 2019) [goal should be to remove this fixer eventually]

3. Mass conservation in E3SM