OP-E3.4 Progress on the HOMME-NH nonhydrostatic atmosphere dycore


Poster TitleProgress on the HOMME-NH nonhydrostatic atmosphere dycore
AuthorsAndrew Steyer, Mark Taylor, Oksana Guba
First AuthorAndrew Steyer
Session TypeE3SM session
Session IDE3
Submission TypePresentation
Poster Link


The target 3km horizontal resolution of the E3SM atmosphere model is under the 10km threshold at which nonhydrostatic effects become important to resolve.  This makes the development and performance of the HOMME-NH nonhydrostatic atmosphere dynamic core critical especially for the success of the NGD nonhydrostatic atmosphere project.  In this talk we present an overview of the formulation, performance, and specifications of the new HOMME-NH nonhydrostatic atmosphere dynamic core.  Implicit-explict Runge-Kutta time integration and energy conservation is discussed in detail and the performance and computational efficiency of HOMME-NH is compared with that of the E3SM v1 hydrostatic HOMME dynamic core.  Results are presented showing the effectiveness of the HOMME-NH dynamics at resolving nonhydrostatic effects in various test cases including the DCMIP2016 super cell test case.