2018.01 - E3SM quick start to get, set up and run the E3SM v1 model at NERSC

AuthorRobert Jacob
Presentation (.pptx)ModelRunningTutorial.pptx    ModelRunningTutorial.pdf
Recording (mp4)


Exercise Worksheet (.txt)
Status Date



Tutorial Description

Quick start to get, set up and run the E3SM v1 model at NERSC.


I'm not planning to have a ppt presentation.  Everything will be done as live demo with a web browser or a terminal.

  1. Start with pdf first page.  Go to e3sm.org website.
  2. Go to  NERSC web site.  Mention how this is for people with accounts on edison and how any DOE-funded researcher can apply.
  3. Go to e3sm.org site and the instructions for running the v1 model.
  4. Start with the run script.
  5. log on to edison and show how to download and run the run script.
  6. While its building, in another window show how to download and configure manually.
  7. While that is building, go to an already built directory and show the submit command.
  8. In that same window show a directory where the model ran and CaseStatus
  9. Go back to the e3sm.org page and show the forum for questions. 

This tutorial will not require a github account.
