Main agenda Agenda 2025 E3SM All-Hands Meeting
Tuesday, 10:30 - 10:45 : IPD Group status
Presenter: Rob Slides: Rob, Jill, Sarat
focus: what is happening right now in IPD.
Tuesday, 3:30 - 5:00 : IPD accomplishments breakout
Presentation to include: 1. Intro/main features. 2 accomplishments in Phase 3 (since June 2023 all-hands meeting) . 3. (optional) Challenges and takeaways. Do not include future plans. Those are for Wednesday.
10 min: DevOps: Presenter: Rob Slides: Rob and others.
10 min: E3sm-diags/xcdat: Presenter: Tom Slides: Tom, Jill
10 min: MPAS-Analysis, mache, e3sm_unified: Presenter: Jill Slides: Xylar
15 min: other diags/eval/data management (zppy, data publication, zstash) : Presenter: Jill Slides: Ryan, Tony, Jill, Tom
10 min: NCO, LIVVkit: Presenter: Charlie Slides: Charlie
10 min: I/O update: Presenter: Jayesh, Slides: Jayesh, Danqing
10min: Coupler update: Presenter Vijay, Slides: Vijay, Rob, Iulian
NOTE: the times above are maximums. Could be shorter if you want.
If you fill the time, include 2-3 minutes for discussion in the 10 minutes slot. 4-5 for 15.
(the rest) Discussion
Wednesday, 11:20 - 11:30 plenary report on accomplishments breakout
Presenter: Rob
Wednesday, 3:00 - 4:00 IPD 12-months roadmap breakout
Slides: 1 or 2 slides per row in the 2025 1-year roadmap. Jill and Rob will prepare most of them (with help) except these:
Vijay: MOAB coupler plans
Charlie: NCO plans
Jayesh: SCORPIO plans (and performance checks)
We’d like to assemble one slide deck to minimize transition time.
There will be plenty of time for discussion/open topics.
Thursday, 8:30 - 11:10 IPD speed dating
See topics in development at