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To ask for a compute node: salloc -A ntrain6 --reservation=xx e3sm_day1 -C cpu -N 1 -c 32 -t 30:00 -q shared


To use it, need these flags to sbatch: --reservation e3sm_dryrun day1 -A ntrain6

where the -A is indeed changing the account to be used – it charges against ntrain6 instead.

Note that the reservation name will be different for each new resv. For example, tomorrow, it will be called e3sm_testrun, and on the days of tutorial, i t will be named something else – probably a diff name each day. And the account to be used will always be ntrain6 for usOn May7th, Tuesda, the resveration name is e3sm_day1. On May8th, e3sm_day2, on May 9th, e3sm_day3, and May 10th e3sm_day4. The reservations are scheduled to last every day from 1pm to midnight except on the last day (1-5pm).

After a job is submitted, slurm allows a user to change a few things (before job starts to run!). Examples:
