Versions Compared


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  1. Add a row for your new grid in the appropriate table below

  2. Add the grid files to inputdata/share/meshes following the directions at /wiki/spaces/ED/pages/707002387.

  3. Create a pull request making your grid available. The changes should be limited to what is needed to support the new grid as outlined below.

  4. Modify cime_config/config_grids.xml to define the new grid

  5. Modify cime_config/config_grids.xml to specify domain file paths

  6. Modify cime_config/config_grids.xml to specify mapping file paths (only for bi- and tri-grid)

  7. Modify components/eam/bld/config_files/horiz_grid.xml to specify the number of columns

  8. Modify components/eam/bld/namelist_files/namelist_defaults_eam.xml to specify namelist defaults specific to the new grid. Typically values that need new defaults are:

    1. ncdata - the atmospheric initial condition

    2. bnd_topo - topography

    3. drydep_srf_file surface dry deposition of aerosols (MAM)

    4. mesh_file - grid definition file in exodus format

    5. se_ne - set to zero for RRM

    6. dtime - dynamics/physics coupling interval

  9. For certain configurations, especially the older preqx dycor option, you may need to modify the following parameters in components/eam/bld/namelist_files/namelist_defaults_eam.xml

    1. se_tstep

    2. nu

    3. nu_top

    4. nu_div

    5. hypervis_scaling

    6. hypervis_subcycle_tom

    7. hypervis_subcycle

  10. Modify components/clm/bld/namelist_files/namelist_defaults_clm4_5.xml to specify land input files needed for the new grid (may not be needed for scenarios that do modify the land grid)

    1. finidat - land model initial condition

    2. fsurdat - input data describing surface types

  11. Optional - modify cime/config/e3sm/allactive/config_pesall.xml to add a new PE layout for your grid

  12. Optional - modify cime_config/ to add a test for the new grid. RRM tests should only be added to specific test suites, such as e3sm_rrm.

Quasi-Uniform cubed-sphere grids (for reference)


Grid metrics

1 degree (NE=30)

Max Dinv-based element distortion:     1.73
area based dx: min,max=95 km, 111 km

1/4 degree (NE=120)

Max Dinv-based element distortion:     1.73
area based dx: min,max=23 km, 28 km

3.25 km (NE=1024)

Max Dinv-based element distortion:     1.73
area based dx: min,max=2.74 km, 3.26 km

Conventional High-Resolution Grids

Grid Name

Target Fine Resolution

Target Coarse Resolution

Goals in mesh creation

Link to mesh graphic

Grid metrics


Contact Person

v2 North American RRM


atm/land: 25 km (ne120)
ocean/ice: 14 km

atm/land: 100 km (ne30)
ocean/ice: 60 km

See figures in the paper

Max Dinv-based elem distortion: 3.76
area based dx:
min=17 km
max=117 km

Described in Tang et al., (GMDD 2022)

Qi Tang

v2 Antarctic RRM


atm/land: 25 km (ne120)

atm/land: 100 km (ne30)



Qi TangWuyin Lin

CONUS Extremes-Optimized RRM (HyperFACETS)

atm/land: 25 km (ne120)

atm/land: 100 km (ne30)

28km over CONUS and Atlantic TC region; 55km over eastern Pacific to better capture ARs


Paul Ullrich


atm/land: 25 km (ne120)

atm/land: 100 km (ne30)

elem distortion: 4.26
area based dx:
min=23 km
max=125 km


Ben Hillman
