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Contact: Ryan Forsyth


SummaryKey steps

  • Run e3sm script:

    • configure

    • fetch code

    • compile

    • short tests

    • start production simulation.

  • Short term archive.

  • Post-processing with zppy.

  • Document simulation on Confluence.

  • Long-term archive with zstash.

Table of Contents

Useful Aliases

Setting some aliases may be useful in running the model. You can edit ~/.bashrc to add aliases. Run source ~/.bashrc to start using them.


  • readonly CHECKOUT="20210409": date the code was checked out on in the form {year}{month}{day}. The source code will be checked out in sub-directory named {year}{month}{day} under <code_source_dir>.

  • readonly BRANCH="master": branch the code was checked out from. Valid options include “master”, a branch name, or a git hash. For provenance purposes, it is best to specify the git hash.

  • readonly DEBUG_COMPILE=false : option to compile with DEBUG flag (leave set to false)


Edit the file and customize as needed. The file is structured with [section] and [[sub-sections]]. There is a [default] section, followed by additional sections for each available zppy task (climo, ts, e3sm_diags, mpas_analysis, …). Sub-sections can be used to have multiple instances of a particular task, for example regridded monthly or globally averaged time series files. Refer to the zppy documentation for more details.

The key sections of the configuration file are:
