Channels are listed below in the order in which they will be needed based on the agenda.
On Slack, the channels are listed alphabetically.
Description | Slack Channel |
Day1: Monday, 10/26/2020 | |
Day 1 - All Plenary Sessions | #day1 |
Day 2: Tuesday, 10/27/2020 | |
Day 2 - All Plenary Sessions | #day2 |
Poster Session 1 (PS1) - Biogeochemical Cycles (BGC) | #ps1-bgc |
Poster Session 1 (PS1) - Cryosphere | #ps1-cryosphere |
Poster Session 1 (PS1) - Diagnostics and Infrastructure | #ps1-diagnostics_and_infrastructure |
Poster Session 1 (PS1) - Ocean/Coastal | #ps1-ocean_coastal |
Poster Session 1 (PS1) - Ocean/Coastal | #ps1-water_cycle |
Day 3: Wednesday, 10/28/2020 | |
Day 3 - All Plenary Sessions | #day3 |
Day 3 - Session 2 - Breakout Room 1 (D3S2-BR#1) | #day3-session2-breakout1 |
Day 3 - Session 2 - Breakout Room 2 (D3S2-BR#2) | #day3-session2-breakout2 |
Day 3 - Session 2 - Breakout Room 3 (D3S2-BR#3) | #day3-session2-breakout3 |
Day 3 - Session 2 - Breakout Room 4 (D3S2-BR#4) | #day3-session2-breakout4 |
Day 3 - Session 2 - Breakout Room 5 (D3S2-BR#5) | #day3-session2-breakout5 |
Poster Session 2 (PS2) - Algorithms, Performance, and Machine Learning | #ps2-algorithms_performance_and_ml |
Poster Session 2 (PS2) - Atmosphere | #ps2-atmosphere |
Poster Session 2 (PS2) - Land Ice | #ps2-land_ice |
Poster Session 2 (PS2) - Land, River, and Energy | #ps2-land_river_and_energy |
Poster Session 2 (PS2) - Sea_Ice | #ps2-sea_ice |
Day 4: Thursday, 10/29/2020 | |
Day 4 - All Plenary Sessions | #day4 |
Day 4 - Session 1 - Breakout Room 1 (D4S1-BR#1) | #day4-session1-breakout1 |
Day 4 - Session 1 - Breakout Room 2 (D4S1-BR#2) | #day4-session1-breakout2 |
Day 4 - Session 1 - Breakout Room 3 (D4S1-BR#3) | #day4-session1-breakout3 |
Day 4 - Session 1 - Breakout Room 4 (D4S1-BR#4) | #day4-session1-breakout4 |
Day 4 - Session 2 - Breakout Room 1 (D4S2-BR#1) | #day4-session2-breakout1 |
Day 4 - Session 2 - Breakout Room 2 (D4S2-BR#2) | #day4-session2-breakout2 |
Day 4 - Session 2 - Breakout Room 3 (D4S2-BR#3) | #day4-session2-breakout3 |
Day 4 - Session 2 - Breakout Room 4 (D4S2-BR#4) | #day4-session2-breakout4 |