Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Point to commit message template.

This document provides details on ACME development conventions and practices.


important -- Items colored in red mean they are important, and should not be ignored.

one time -- Items colored in green are commands to be issued once per machine.

repo once -- Items colored in orange are commands to be issued once per local repository.


NOTE:   The git add command will only stage the changes in the file at the time of the git add. If the file is subsequently modified after a git add, and then a git commit is issued, the commit will not contain changes between the git add and the git commit.   Use git status frequently to see the status of staged and un-staged files.

This git commit will open up an editor where a commit message can be written. The first line is the subject line and should be relatively short and concise. The second line should be blank, and every line below that can be the “body” of the commit message with as much information as needed.  If this commit will change answers or namelists, add the keys  "non-BFB", "CC" or "NML" depending on if the answers change to roundoff, are climate changing, or change a namelist, respectively.  On the last lines, add any JIRA issue keys that are associated with this commit.  Examples: OG-56, LG-47, SEG-78.Please refer to the Commit message template   Please refer to the Commit message template for more instructions on the ACME commit message style guidelines, and to JIRA and Github linking for more information on linking Github commits to JIRA issues.

An alternative way of committing all changes to any files that are currently tracked by the repository is:


This will again open an editor for a commit message to be entered and the Commit message template should again be followed.

Advanced: Incorporating another branch on to your branch.


Your PR is not finished until it has been merged to master by the Integrator.

This document can be used to help with pull request related issues.


Before communicating with remotes, you might want to add or remove remotes. In order to add and remove remotes the git remote command can be used. The two uses are as follows:

git remote add remote-name protocol:address/to/repo # Creates a remote


git remote remove remote-name # Removes a remote


In order to communicate with remotes, there are three actions. pushpull, and fetch.
