Versions Compared


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This document provides details This document provides details on ACME development conventions and practices.


important -- Items colored in red mean they are important, and should not be ignored.

one time -- Items colored in green are commands to be issued once per machine.

repo once -- Items colored in orange are commands to be issued once per local repository.


  1. Commit all your changes and push the branch to the shared repository, 
  2. go to and find your branch.  Click on  "New pull request".
  3. You should verify base and compare of your pull request are correct.  The "base" is master and "compare" is your branch.
  4. Enter a PR Title:  Make sure the title is 70 characters or less and explains the PR in a "verb noun" format like "add cool new feature". Do not just use the branch name or what is filled in by default.  (If your branch has a single commit, the title of that commit will be the default, but if your branch has multiple commits, the branch name will be the default.)  You should edit the title to make sure it is descriptive enough. DO NOT include github issue #'s or JIRA tasks in the title. Hyperlinking does not work from the title.
  5. Write a PR Description.  In the "Write" field, provide very descriptive a descriptive message of what all the commits in the PR will do together.  The reviewer will review the description as part of the pull request, because the description will be used in the commit message used when the PR is merged to next and master.   See merge commit template in Commit message template
    1. If the PR is fixing a bug, add a blank line after the above content  and then include the github bug # with the word "Fixes".  Example:  Fixes #89 
    2. After the bug fixes, if this PR will change answers or namelists, add the keys  "non-BFB", "CC" or "NML" depending on if the answers change to roundoff, are climate changing, or change a namelist, respectively.
    3. On the last lines, add any JIRA issue keys that are associated with this PR.  Example,  OG-56, LG-47, SEG-78.
  6. Give PR label(s) ('Label' pull down menu).  If relevant label(s) do not exist, exit PR page and create new one(s).  Add the "bug fix" label if this is a bug fix.
  7. Assign Integrator to review PR ('Assignee' pull down menu)
  8. When complete, click on "Create .  The integrator may work with you to edit the PR description.  Do not include Confluence URL's in the PR description.
  9. Give PR label(s) ('Label' pull down menu).  Add a label for the component this PR involves.  Add the "bug fix" label if this is a bug fix.  Add the label(s) for BFB, non-BFB, CC, FCC, NML as appropriate.
  10. Assign Integrator to review PR ('Assignee' pull down menu)
  11. When complete, click on "Create pull request".  This will start the code review and the process of moving this feature to master.  
  12. After pull request is created, add brief statements to the  the following in the Comments section:
    1. information to aid the Integrator in running, testing, and validating feature (but that is too specific to be included in the general PR description). 
    2. In the first comment, provide a link to the Design Document governing this PR.   See /wiki/spaces/CNCL/pages/25231511.
    3. In subsequent comments.  
      1. Provide information to aid the Integrator in running, testing, and validating feature (but that is too specific to be included in the general PR description). 
      2. Say how the feature was tested.  Example:  "acme_developer on Titan passed".  If a test is expected to fail and required redoing baselines, state that and list the tests that fail.

Your PR is not finished until it has been merged to master by the Integrator.

This document can be used to help with pull request related issues.


Integrator Code Review


When a developer is finished with a branch, he/she makes a "pull request" (PR) to have the code integrated and uses GitHub to assign an Integrator to the PR.

The assigned ACME Integrator conducts the code review or passes it on to another Integrator. 


(Phase 3 of /wiki/spaces/CNCL/pages/25231511)

Issuing a PR and review by an integrator is done in Phase 3 of ACME's /wiki/spaces/CNCL/pages/25231511.

Phase 3 code reviews are conducted online on GitHub using comments on the pull request.

Code Integrator code review steps

  1. Start with your clone of ACME on a machine you are comfortable developing on.
  2. Checkout the branch you are going to merge.git checkout author/branch-name    (note that you don't need to include "origin" in the branch-name.  Git will automatically set up a tracking branch.)Check the github entry for the PR and make sure it has a good title and description, correct labels and a comment with a link to the Design Document.   A PR can not be merged to next or master unless it has a Design Document with Phase 1 and 2 completed. See /wiki/spaces/CNCL/pages/25231511.
  3. Look at the code changes either on github or using:  git log --reverse -p master..
  4. Check to see if the description of the code changes in the PR match the actual changes.  Make sure nothing unrelated to the PR was committed accidentally.
  5. If the pull request contains science changes, determine if it fits within the scientific development plan and timeline for that component and ACME overall
  6. on your checked out copy of the branch.
    1. Does new code hold up to visual inspection for code quality?    Look over code changes for glaring mistakes or code style issues (e.g. useful comments, reasonable subroutine lengths, new code in an existing file follows conventions of that file).
    2. Check to see if the description of the code changes in the PR match the actual changes.  Make sure nothing unrelated to the PR was committed accidentally.
    3. Although they can't be
    1. changed, see if commit messages on the branch follow the Commit message template
    1.  and let the developer know if they can not.  Consider asking the developer to squash commits to clean up the history.
    2. Have tests been added or suggested that exercise this feature?
    3. Does code run on all platforms after integration into next?

If there are any problems, work with the developer to correct them.  All correspondence should be done as comments to the PR in github.


Before communicating with remotes, you might want to add or remove remotes. In order to add and remove remotes the git remote command can be used. The two uses are as follows:

git remote add remote-name protocol:address/to/repo # Creates a remote


git remote remove remote-name # Removes a remote


In order to communicate with remotes, there are three actions. pushpull, and fetch.
