Versions Compared


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Proposed naming convention for E3SM V2 and newer compsets:

Suffix = ToolAlgorithm


Where grida and gridb are existing grid naming conventions established by the respective component.

Here we propose to standardize the suffix to denote the Tool and Algorithm used:


  • esmf: Earth System Modeling Framework

  • nco: NCO

  • tr: Tempest Remap

  • mbtr: (for MOAB-Tempest).


  • aave: Maps which compute a common refinement (intersection) mesh and then integrate a piecewise-constant reconstruction. Conseravtive and monotone.

    • pros: conservative, montonone, downscaling

    • cons: 1st order accurate, blocky results if source grid resolution << source grid resolution

  • bilin: ESMF’s bilinear interpolation

    • pros: monotone, 2nd order accurate

  • mono: For spectral element (SE) grids, where the spectral element basis functions are replaced with a montone bases.

    • cons: non-conservative. aliasing errors if source grid resolution >> target grid resolution

  • patch: ESMF’s patch based algorithm (L2 projection?).

    • pros: accurate. is it downscaling?

    • cons: can have small non-monotone weights

  • mono: TR developed algorithms which use a spectral element with monotone basis functions. The degrees of freedom for the basis function (“np”) is usually denoted in the grid name, such as ne30np4. For FV grids, only np=1 is supported.

    • monoSE2FV: SE monotonic basis reconstruction integrated over FV (np=1) cells

    • monoSE2SE: projection between source and target grid monotonic reconstructions

    • monoFV2SE: does this exist?

    • monoFV2FV: identical to aave, recommend using aave suffix.

    • pros: conservative, monotone, downscaling

    • cons: 1st order accurate

  • intbilin: Integrated bilinear. For finite element grids, the shape functions are replaced by a piecewise linear shape functions which are then integrated using a common refinement mesh

    • pros: monotone, 2nd order, downscaling

    • cons: only supported for SE2FV? Does it work SE2SE?

  • inttrilin: Integrated linear reconstruction using triangular grids?

    • pros: monotone, 2nd order(?), downscaling

    • cons: does not exist yet!

  • volumetric: should we add a convention for TR’s volumetric maps?

    • might be useful for FV->SE maps. currently not used

  • highorder: Use of SE shape functions or higher order FV for reconstruction, projected onto SE shape functions, or integrated over FV cell (np=1)

    • The most accurate SE2SE and SE2FV maps.

    • Currently not recommended due to large negative weights

  • {algorithm}trn: For any map from grid a gridA to grid bgridB, one can compute an area weighted transpose map from grid b gridB to grad agradA. In general, the tranpose transpose map will not preserve the properties of the original map. However, the transpose of a conservative map will be conservative. The transpose of a monotone conservative map will be monotone and conservative.


Suffix = esmfaave, esmfbilin, ncoaave, trmono, trmonotrn, trintbilin, trhighorder, mbtrmono, ...


Historical usage:        ESMF conservative/monotone "area averaged" maps       ESMF bilinear       TempestRemap conservative, monotone map TempestRemap high-order, conservative, non-monotone  ( several TR options in this category )       TempestRemap integrated bilinear:   monotone, non-conservative     TempestRemap transpose of a mono map.   TempestRemap transpose of a highorder map.  (not recommended) 
