Table of Contents | ||
Update :
Note some changes in model output from v1 to v2:
cam ->eam
mpascice or mpassice->mpassi
MPAS output precision changed from double to single.
For our official simulations, we publish model output from all components (EAM, ELM, MOZART and MPAS) in native grid. In additionally, we publish monthly time series of a subset of atmospheric and land variables that are regrided.
Native cam.h0
Native cam.h1
Native cam.h2
Native cam.h3
Native cam.h4
Native cam.h5 (if they exist)
Regridded time series (for selected variables*)
Climatology of full year range being published
Native clm2.h0
Native mosart.h0
Regridded time series (for selected variables**)
Native mpaso.timeSeriesStatsMonthly, convert to 4-byte real, add variable zMid
Native mpaso.globalStats, convert to 4-byte real, add variable zMid
Native meridionalHeatTransport
Native highFrequencyOutput, convert to 4-byte real, add variable zMid
ocean namelist files mpaso_in
ocean streams files streams.ocean
Native mpassice.timeSeriesStatsMonthly, convert to 4-byte real
Native mpascice.timeSeriesStatsDaily, convert to 4-byte real
sea-ice namelist files mpassi_in
sea-ice streams files streams.sea-ice
MISC: (for ocean, atm regridding, are there any for land or river?)
map files
mesh files
Note: The frequencies (and mean vs snap) assigned to the codes h0, h1, … h5 can vary between campaigns. Consult the corresponding namefiles to identify the association.The atmospheric and land variables are in line with what being used for publishing to CMIP6 (Amon and Lmon tables here:CMIP6 data conversion tables ) and some extra variables required by e3sm_diags.
e3sm_diags required: hyai hyam hybi hybm LANDFRAC OCNFRAC PHIS P0 PS
Update :
Note some changes in model output from v1 to v2:
cam ->eam
mpascice or mpassice->mpassi
MPAS output precision changed from double to single.
For our official simulations, we publish model output from all components (EAM, ELM, MOZART and MPAS) in native grid. In additionally, we publish monthly time series of a subset of atmospheric and land variables that are regrided.
Native cam.h0
Native cam.h1
Native cam.h2
Native cam.h3
Native cam.h4
Native cam.h5 (if they exist)
Regridded time series (for selected variables*)
Climatology of full year range being published
Native clm2.h0
Native mosart.h0
Regridded time series (for selected variables**)
Native mpaso.timeSeriesStatsMonthly, convert to 4-byte real, add variable zMid
Native mpaso.globalStats, convert to 4-byte real, add variable zMidNative meridionalHeatTransportNative highFrequencyOutput, convert to 4-byte real, add variable zMid
ocean namelist files mpaso_in
ocean streams files streams.ocean
Native mpassice.timeSeriesStatsMonthly, convert to 4-byte real
Native mpascice.timeSeriesStatsDaily, convert to 4-byte real
sea-ice namelist files mpassi_in
sea-ice streams files streams.sea-ice
MISC: (for ocean, atm regridding, are there any for land or river?)
map files
mesh files
Note: The frequencies (and mean vs snap) assigned to the codes h0, h1, … h5 can vary between campaigns. Consult the corresponding namefiles to identify the association.
The following table was produced by generating all possible E3SM dataset_ids from the controlling document “dataset_spec.yaml” (/p/user_pub/e3sm/staging/resource/dataset_spec.yaml). There are presently 2564 entries, comprised of 1088 native model-output (regular) datasets, another 1114 restarts, namefiles and MPAS streams files, and 362 climos, timeseries and regrid output files.
It is our intention that this list represent the required E3SM dataset publications, developed through interpretation of the above “Default Set of Model Output for ESGF Publication”. Any omissions or other deviations should be brought to the attention of the E3SM Publication Team.