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titleExtra: Notes from testing by Chris

Chris Terai 2019-11-12: I was able to follow the steps above to regrid and initial condition file on cori, but here are things that needed to be modified to make it work for me. Note: The nco version used for these operations was loaded from e3sm_unified environment (which ncks →/global/project/projectdirs/acme/software/anaconda_envs/cori/base/envs/e3sm_unified_1.3.0_cdatx/bin/ncks).

RESOLVED Step 1: When running,

Code Block
export IDL_PATH=/usr/common/usg/idl/idl82/lib:+/global/u2/w/wlin/idl

should be replaced with

Code Block
export IDL_PATH=/global/common/cori/software/idl/idl85/idl/lib:+/global/u2/w/wlin/idl

Step 3: With this and many other steps, I attempted to use compute nodes (10+ nodes) for creating ne1024 maps, but ran out of memory, so applying 'nice' to commands and running on login nodes worked best, as suggested above.

Step 5:

It might make it more streamlined to remove the PS data and other headers (dimensions) from the vertical coordinate file before adding the PS from the topo-adjustment to the vertical coordinate file. Currently, this is performed in Step 6 but performing this at the beginning of Step 5 also reduces the likelihood of getting errors when trying to append the topo-adjusted PS.

The step to remove the unnecessary information is done manually (as described in and pasted below):

Code Block
# perform vertical interpolation using NCO, using horizontally remapped data                                                                                               
# extract a vertical coordinate file from an E3SM file, must contain P0,hyam,hybm,hyai,hybi,                                                                               
# PS to take from source. However, ncks always extract PS when asking for hyam,hybm,hyai,hybi                                                                              
# Using ncdump -v P0,hyam,hybm,hyai,hybi,lev,ilev > E3SM_vert_coor.txt                                                                                                     
#       manually edit the file to remove other header info like ncol or other dimensions. 
#       CRT addition: also remove the old PS from the vertical coordinate data.                                                       
#       ncgen E3SM_vert_coor.txt -o   #Generates netcdf from edited .txt file.                                                                                           

In step 2 of vert_topo_adj_ne1024... using

Code Block
ncks -3 -d lev,136 ... 

gave me an error. Therefore, had to use

Code Block
ncks -7 -d lev,136 ...

RESOLVED: In step 3, where we run the idl script, needed to be modified. It is written to accept a 2D (lat,lon) set of data, where the SE is 1-dimensional in x-y. I kept the two sets of for loops, but set nlat = 0 and let nlon = ncol.

Code Block
  nlat = 1
