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This page should describe Validation Tests performed for this stand alone feature and should provide links to all the result pages.


We ran FC5AV1C-L for 6 years with preqx dycore and SL transport and made 5-year climatologies. With diagnostics package, we compared climatologies of the new run to the default (preqx dycore, Eulerian transport, default E3SM settings) run from the same compset. Results are in for latlon plots and in for zonal plots. Our understanding from communicating with C. Golaz is that differences are relatively minor and are expected.

This task required new coupling mechanisms between homme and physics (ftypes). Tests for all coupling schemes are now in nightlies with baselines.

Validation Test 2

Validation Test 2: theta-l dycore and SL transport for 1 degree

Date last modified: June 2019


Provenance: commit a0ff14648bf1f, A. Bradley's fork (PR #3017, now in master)

Results: /wiki/spaces/COM/pages/997752860 , Run6 only


There are some differences, in particular, for seasonal jets ("U global" pressure-latitude images) and for tropopause T200mb ("T global" pressure-latitude images and "T-200mb global" latitude-longitude images). An expert should evaluate these. The T200mb difference is a positive temperature bias at approximately 300 to 200 mb near the poles. There is a corresponding negative bias in relative humidity in these same regions.


In this simulation, we applied hyperviscosity (HV) to specific humidity q_v, which is the first tracer. Because qsplit=6 (6 dynamics steps per tracer transport step), we run 6 HV subcycles on q (hypervis_subcycle_q = 6). HV is applied to q_v after advection and before property preservation. The reason for applying HV to q_v is as follows. SL transport substantially reduces dissipation on the tracers compared with Eulerian transport. That is because SL transport does not require HV to be stable, whereas Eulerian transport does. Removing dissipation on in particular q_v can make other parts of the simulation less robust, we have found. Thus, we provide the option to apply HV to one or more tracers. The setting semi_lagrange_hv_q = 1 applies HV to just the first tracer, q_v. In the future, we want to make EAM run well without applying HV to q_v, but doing so robustly will require more study.

Timers Relevant timers for this theta-l+SL run6 as aboverun, timing.36292.190625-214627, on 75 anvil nodes :


are as follows. Columns are timer names, number of calls, and max time.

Code Block
      "a:CAM_run3"                                         105121   3753.256836
             -  105121 "a:prim_step_rX"     -    3753.256836     0.670473     0.031718         0.008622 105121   3343.381592
*    "a:stepon_run3"             "a:ApplyCAMForcing"                      735847      7.524807
           -  105121    -    3753.011719"a:compute_andor_apply_rhs"      0.670471     0.0317163.2e+06   1101.156738
           0.008622           "a:dyncaar_runbexchV"                     3.2e+06    337.900726
                    "a:advance_hypervis"         -  105121    -    3752.847900630726     0780.670469 730652
   0.031714         0.008622             "a:primbiwkdp3d_run_sybcyclebexchV"                 1.3e+06    102.427208
                      -"a:ahdp_bexchV2"  105121    -    3752.439697     0.670467     01.0317113e+06       100.035515
 0.008622               "a:prim_diagstep_scalarsadvec"                        105121   1439.427490
              -    3948"a:PAT_remap"    -       0.367501     0.000274     0.000082       105121  0.000324 1439.272949
                    "a:prim_energy_halftimesPrim_Advec_Tracers_remap_ALE"       105121   1439.108643
                      "a:ALE_RKdss_bexchV"    -    3948    -     105121  0.424613     08.000275113382
     0.000097         0.000324        "a:SLMM_v2x"       "a:prim_step_rX"                  105121     14.941418
                      -"a:SLMM_csl"  105121    -    3343.381592     0.570245     0.028336     105121    0.008622597.916321
                      "a:primadvance_stephypervis_dynscalar"          105121    168.496979
                        "a:biwksc_bexchV"    -  105121    -    1899.430054    630726 0.557221     076.015519498428
*                 "a:ApplyCAMForcing"ah_scalar_bexchV"               630726     58.095295
                      "a:CEDR" -  735847    -       7.524807     0.000213     0.000000     105121    0.060351269.654694
                      "a:primCEDR_advance_explocal"                       105121    204.295685
          -  630726    -    1892.292236  "a:SL_dss"   0.250781     0.002458         0.051730           105121    166.422882
      "a:compute_andor_apply_rhs"                  "a:SLMM_bexchV"           - 3.2e+06    -    1101.156738105121     083.204414393738
    0.000266         0.258648
 "a:vertical_remap"                      "a:caar_bexchV"     105121    265.354736
              "a:prim_run_subcyle_diags"               - 3.2e+06   105121 -     33787.900726252365
    0.204165     0.000028         0.258648
                    "a:advanceprim_hypervisprintstate"                            1316        -  630726    -     780.730652     0.191143     0.001057         0.051730
                      "a:biwkdp3d_bexchV"                                   - 1.3e+06    -     102.427208     0.063015     0.000029         0.103459
                      "a:ahdp_bexchV2"                                      - 1.3e+06    -     100.035515     0.189795     0.000029         0.103459
                "a:prim_step_advec"                                         -  105121    -    1439.427490     0.094104     0.010866         0.008622
                  "a:PAT_remap"                                             -  105121    -    1439.272949     0.094103     0.010865         0.008622
                    "a:Prim_Advec_Tracers_remap_ALE"                        -  105121    -    1439.108643     0.094101     0.010863         0.008622
                      "a:ALE_RKdss_bexchV"                                  -  105121    -       8.113382     0.012720     0.000024         0.008622
                      "a:SLMM_v2x"                                          -  105121    -      14.941418     0.009275     0.000139         0.008622
                      "a:SLMM_csl"                                          -  105121    -     597.916321     0.023259     0.004007         0.008622
                      "a:advance_hypervis_scalar"                           -  105121    -     168.496979     0.062068     0.000592         0.008622
                        "a:biwksc_bexchV"                                   -  630726    -      76.498428     0.060252     0.000015         0.051730
                        "a:ah_scalar_bexchV"                                -  630726    -      58.095295     0.052509     0.000013         0.051730
                      "a:CEDR"                                              -  105121    -     269.654694     0.061367     0.001182         0.008622
                      "a:CEDR_local"                                        -  105121    -     204.295685     0.012888     0.001763         0.008622
                      "a:SL_dss"                                            -  105121    -     166.422882     0.015599     0.000725         0.008622
                        "a:SLMM_bexchV"                                     -  105121    -      83.393738     0.014745     0.000263         0.008622
              "a:vertical_remap"                                            -  105121    -     265.354736     0.016067     0.002509         0.008622
                "a:vertical_remap1_1"                                       -  210242    -      31.489454     0.008730     0.000145         0.017243
*                 "a:remap_Q_ppm"                                           -  420484    -     251.081009     0.012436     0.000144         0.034486
                "a:vertical_remap1_3"                                       -  210242    -     219.885269     0.012440     0.001039         0.017243
              "a:prim_run_subcyle_diags"                                    -  105121    -      87.252365     0.009448     0.000329         0.008622
              "a:prim_printstate"                                           -    1316    -      54.871109     0.636987     0.034739         0.000108
*               "a:shr_reprosum_INF_NaN_Chk"                                -  649945    -       0.357572     0.000195     0.000000         0.053306
*               "a:shr_reprosum_int"                                        -  649945    -     212.999924     0.395460     0.000052         0.053306
                  "a:repro_sum_loopa"                                       -  649945    -       0.157211     0.000188     0.000000         0.053306
                  "a:repro_sum_allr_minmax"                                 -  649945    -     176.212830     0.392793     0.000017         0.053306
                  "a:repro_sum_loopb"                                       -  649945    -       0.374963     0.000528     0.000000         0.053306
                  "a:repro_sum_allr_i8"                                     -  649945    -      34.479546     0.020157     0.000017         0.053306

Timers for default configuration, file preqx-default-ne30-6y-march30/run/ , 75 anvil nodes:

Code Block
      "a:CAM_run3"                                                          -  105121    -   13991.816406     1.466136     0.121596         0.008822
        "a:stepon_run3"                                                     -  105121    -   13991.585938     1.466134     0.121594         0.008822
          "a:dyn_run"                                                       -  105121    -   13991.424805     1.466133     0.121592         0.008822
            "a:prim_run_sybcycle"                                           -  210242    -   13990.814453     1.402953     0.055132         0.017644
              "a:prim_diag_scalars"                                         -    3948    -       0.346932     0.000193     0.000082         0.000331
              "a:prim_energy_halftimes"                                     -    3948    -       0.047745     0.000072     0.000009         0.000331
              "a:prim_step_rX"                                              -  630726    -   13261.229492     0.714745     0.014753         0.052933
*               "a:ApplyCAMForcing"                                         -  840968    -       3.469257     0.000275     0.000000         0.070577
                "a:prim_step_dyn"                                           -  630726    -    3745.105225     0.680631     0.001945         0.052933
                  "a:prim_advance_exp"                                      -  630726    -    3744.255615     0.680631     0.001944         0.052933
                    "a:U3-5stage_timestep"                                  -  630726    -    1602.538330     0.632909     0.000892         0.052933
                      "a:compute_and_apply_rhs"                             - 3.2e+06    -    1593.809937     0.533066     0.000159         0.264663
                        "a:caar_bexchV"                                     - 3.2e+06    -    1155.628540     0.532931     0.000031         0.264663
                    "a:advance_hypervis_dp"                                 -  630726    -    2140.412109     0.264765     0.001010         0.052933
                      "a:biwkdp3d_bexchV"                                   - 1.9e+06    -     712.871643     0.159526     0.000031         0.158798
                      "a:ahdp_bexchV2"                                      - 1.9e+06    -     936.731812     0.262727     0.000030         0.158798
                "a:prim_step_advec"                                         -  630726    -    9497.830078     0.708720     0.009799         0.052933
                  "a:PAT_remap"                                             -  630726    -    9496.788086     0.708719     0.009798         0.052933
                    "a:prim_advec_tracers_remap_rk2"                        -  630726    -    9495.913086     0.708717     0.009796         0.052933
                      "a:precomput_divdp"                                   -  630726    -      17.915401     0.011739     0.000014         0.052933
                      "a:euler_step_0"                                      -  630726    -    3421.647949     0.195186     0.002283         0.052933
*                       "a:bihmix_qminmax"                                  - 1.9e+06    -    4816.387207     0.454157     0.000159         0.158798
                          "a:eus_neighbor_minmax1"                          -  630726    -    1564.957153     0.092461     0.000399         0.052933
                            "a:nmm_bexchV"                                  -  630726    -    1376.029663     0.092280     0.000234         0.052933
                          "a:nmm_bexchS_start"                              -  630726    -      97.431732     0.014166     0.000043         0.052933
                          "a:biwksc_bexchV"                                 -  630726    -     889.131531     0.452009     0.000264         0.052933
                          "a:nmm_bexchS_fini"                               -  630726    -      22.110565     0.001370     0.000019         0.052933
*                       "a:eus_2d_advec"                                    - 1.9e+06    -    4555.705566     0.271652     0.001314         0.158798
                          "a:eus_bexchV"                                    - 1.9e+06    -    1869.862549     0.270305     0.000176         0.158798
                      "a:euler_step_1"                                      -  630726    -    1699.480957     0.112606     0.001501         0.052933
                      "a:euler_step_2"               54.871109

Timers for the default configuration, file preqx-default-ne30-6y-march30/run/, on 75 anvil nodes are as follows:

Code Block
      "a:CAM_run3"                       -  630726    -    4257.039062     0.567383   105121  013991.004107816406
        0.052933      "a:prim_step_rX"                 "a:qdp_tavg"            630726  13261.229492
*                "a:ApplyCAMForcing"           -  630726    -      96.223808 840968    0.001547     0.0001093.469257
        0.052933               "a:verticalprim_step_remapdyn"                          630726   3745.105225
              -  210242    "a:U3-5stage_timestep"     498.846558       0.020524     0.002339630726   1602.538330
     0.017644                 "a:verticalcompute_and_remap1apply_1rhs"           3.2e+06   1593.809937
                        -"a:caar_bexchV"  420484    -      23.661549     0.000682  3.2e+06   01155.000051628540
        0.035288 *                 "a:remapadvance_Qhypervis_ppmdp"                630726   2140.412109
                      "a:biwkdp3d_bexchV"  - 1.3e+06    -     490.634094     01.0159109e+06     0712.000051871643
        0.105865                 "a:verticalahdp_remap1_2bexchV2"                    1.9e+06    936.731812
              -  420484"a:prim_step_advec"    -      31.674000     0.001132     0.000073    630726   9497.830078
 0.035288                 "a:vertical_remap1PAT_3remap"                            630726   9496.788086
       -    420484    -     435.976318"a:prim_advec_tracers_remap_rk2"     0.015912  630726   09495.001023913086
        0.035288               "a:prim_run_subcyle_diags"precomput_divdp"                  630726     17.915401
                     - "a:euler_step_0"     210242    -     156.251953     0.011765  630726   03421.000629647949
*        0.017644               "a:primbihmix_printstateqminmax"                1.9e+06   4816.387207
                        -  "a:eus_neighbor_minmax1"  1316    -   630726   68.4690251564.957153
        0.414552     0.040376         0.000110 *     "a:nmm_bexchV"          "a:shr_reprosum_INF_NaN_Chk"       630726   1376.029663
                     -  655209    -"a:nmm_bexchS_start"        0.331985     0.000097630726     097.000000431732
          0.054987 *               "a:shrbiwksc_reprosum_intbexchV"                630726    889.131531
                   -  655209    -  "a:nmm_bexchS_fini"    775.321594     0.636040     0.000050630726     22.110565
*   0.054987                    "a:reproeus_sum2d_loopaadvec"                  1.9e+06   4555.705566
                 -  655209    -   "a:eus_bexchV"    0.184260     0.000107     0.000000      1.9e+06   0.0549871869.862549
                      "a:reproeuler_sumstep_allr_minmax1"                     630726   1699.480957
                -  655209    -"a:euler_step_2"     734.837402     0.635987     0.000016      630726   0.0549874257.039062
                      "a:reproqdp_sum_loopbtavg"                         630726     96.223808
        -    655209  "a:vertical_remap"  -       0.354224     0.000197     0.000000        210242 0.054987   498.846558
               "a:reproprim_sumrun_allrsubcyle_i8diags"                   210242    156.251953
              "a:prim_printstate"  -  655209    -      38.196106     0.031034     0.000017    1316     0.05498768.469025

Thus, tracer transport is approximately 6.5x faster and the top-level dycore timer, CAM_run3, shows approximately 3.7x speedup.