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Topic: D3S2-BR#3
Time: Oct 28, 2020 03:00 15 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Questions for Discussion:


What are the grand challenges in ocean/ice modeling? For example:

  1. What are the key missing or more uncertain processes that should be prioritized for model development?

  2. What processes require more improvements in scale awareness?

  3. Is there a game-changing scale for modeling processes in each component?

  4. Can we develop a heirarchy of models that actually informs coupled modeling efforts?

    1. Is there something between forced ocean sea ice and fully coupled runs?

      1. “pencil atmosphere”

      2. FAFMIP

      3. other?


How can we overcome these challenges and accelerate progress?


What opportunities/recent advances can E3SM leverage?

How can we improve E3SM’s development and evaluation process? For example:


How could development better target known biases?


How can we ensure good coupled model behavior while developing component models?


Breakout Report:

Key missing or uncertain processes:

  • Mesoscale/submesoscale eddies

    • Eddy Energy CPT examining in detail source and sinks of eddy energy from high resolution simulations and observations. Working to constrain an eddy energetics scheme and backscatter.

  • Non-Boussinesq and Nonhydrostatic, but questions remain when and where these capabilities are needed

  • SUMMARY: focus on scale aware parameterization is critical and determining what advances are needed in what regions.

Advances to leverage

  • ML equation discovery and physics informed NN can parameterize mesoscale eddy effects. Need to think about how to couple current codes with advanced ML/AI algorithms that are not FORTRAN.

    • ML can expose issues with model DYCORE. For example it may expose the need for a more accurate advection scheme

  • Ensembles are needed to help evaluate models, can also use this capability to do some parameter optimization (simple ML) especially in coupled mode (assimilation in all components)

  • SUMMARY: Physics informed ML and ensembles hold promise for better understanding models and improving projections

How do we accelerate progress

  • Community involvement

    • Even though E3SM is not a community model, we need input from outside researchers.

    • Need to create an infrastructure that allows outside researchers to run the model without significant time and effort from E3SM staff

    • Need clear documentation of the model and associated workflows

    • For developments to come back to E3SM, clear standards of testing and design standards are necessary.

  • Levels of model complexity

    • We can’t drive to high resolution alone

    • Low resolution models allow for more rapid testing and development

      • Also can address different science questions (projections and uncertainty)

    • Lower complexity models allow to isolate processes and test new ideas

    • Work is needed to understand the minimum set of processes and feedbacks needed to understand the model.

    • Need reduced set of BGC for testing and to move toward examination of BGC/ocean physics coupling

  • SUMMARY: investment is needed to make university involvement easier. An initial upfront cost but leads to lower cost over the longer term.


Laure Zanna: Turbulence Closures in Ocean Models
