Versions Compared


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This page is a main, parent documentation page for this feature and should provide links to all related documentation on this feature.


including links to Design Document, known feature dependencies, stand alone Verification, Unit Testing, Validation and Performance Assessment, as well as Coupled Testing Plans (Phase 2), Coupled Validation and Performance testing. The checklist process includes the approvers and their signing off for the feature to advance to a next step in the Code Verification Process. 


Page Properties

Dependencies Table for this feature

1.Design Doc
O1_Template-1 Design Doc
O_24_LI MPAS Land Ice in ACME
Renata McCoy
3.PR Ready
24 Jul
4.Blocked By#
#O2-feature, #O3-feature

5.Affects #

6.Issued PR
OwnerRenata McCoy





Git Branchdouglasjacobsen/mpas/update-mpas-components-v1

HTML Comment

(tick) - competed, (warning) - in progress, (error) - not done


Checklist for the Code Review Process for this feature

Action RequireAssignee - Task OwnerLinkDone ?Done DateApproved?ApproverApproved DateNotes
Phase 1 - Component Level Development and Testing
Design Document
Renata McCoy

O_24_LI MPAS Land Ice in ACME Design Doc
(tick) (error)Renata McCoy additional doc on performance neededO1_Template-1

Verification and Unit Tests
Renata McCoy

O_24_LI MPAS Land Ice in ACME Verification Phase 1


Tests O1_Template-1
O_24_LI MPAS Land Ice in ACME Performance Phase 1(error)


Validation Tests

O_24_LI MPAS Land Ice in ACME Validation Phase 1(error)


Issue Pull Requestfeature ownerPR###(error)issued date(error)

PR Integratorassigned integrator-

integrated date----
Phase 2 - Coupled System Integration and Testing
Phase 2 Process DocCoupled GL
O1_Template-1 Phase 2 Plan(error)
(error)ACME Council ?

Feature's Coupled Performanceperformance ownerO1_Template-1 Coupled Performance(error)


Feature's Coupled Validationvalidation test ownerO1_Template-1 Coupled Validation(error)


Final Approval to part of ACME modelfinal approver

