Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This page provides a cheat sheet for people to use as a quick reference for the commands used in this document.


important -- Items colored in red mean they are important, and should not be ignored.

one time -- Items colored in green are commands to be issued once per machine.

repo once -- Items colored in orange are commands to be issued once per local repository.

common -- Items colored in bold black are commands that will be commonly used. 

Setup Commands:




git config --global “First Last”

Setup the first and last name that will be used in commits

git config --global “

Setup the email that will be used in commits

git config --global core.editor ${EDITOR}

Setup the default editor for editing messages

git config --global color.ui true

Enable coloring of output from git commands

git config --global http.proxy http://proxy/server:port

Enable a proxy for git commands



Repository Setup Commands:




git clone protocol://path/to/repo.git

Clone a remote repository into a local repository

git clone git@githubclone

Specific clone command for ACME



Commit Commands:




git add path/to/file/in/repo

Stage a new file for the next commit. This file will be tracked in future commits

git commit

Commit all staged files

git commit -a

Commit all changes to tracked files


Branch Related Commands:




git branch github-username/component/feature acme-vXX

Create a new branch from a tested tag named github-username/component/feature

git branch github-username/component/bug-fix commit-with-bug

Create a new branch from a specific commit named github-username/component/bug-fix

git checkout github-username/component/feature

Change the current working branch to github-username/component/feature

git checkout -b github-username/component/feature master

Create a branch from master named github-username/component/feature and change the current working branch to it

git branch

List all local branches

git branch -r

List all remote tracking branches

git branch -a

List all local and remote tracking branches

git merge-base github-username/component/my-feature ACME-Climate/ACME/master

Determine the last shared commit between github-username/component/my-feature and ACME-Climate/ACME/master



Working with remotes:




git remote add remote-name protocol:address/to/repo

Create an alias “remote-name” to communicate with a remote repo at the address specified

git remote remove remote-name

Delete an alias named “remote-name”

git push <remote-name> <local-branch>:<remote-branch>

Push the local branch named <local-branch> (and all associated commit) to the remote named <remote-name>. :<remote-name> will rename the branch on the remote.

git push origin feature:github-username/component/feature

Pushing a local branch named feature to the branch github-username/component/feature on the remote origin

git fetch <remote-name>

Fetch the history from the remote named <remote-name>. Don’t store this history in any local branches

git fetch --all -p

Fetch the history from all remotes, and prune any branches that were deleted on the remote.

git pull <remote-name> <branch-name>

Fetch the history of <branch-name> from the remote named <remote-name> and merge it into the current working branch.

This command is for advanced developers.



History Manipulation Commands:




git cherry-pick <commit-ish>

Apply a commit or a range of commits onto the current working branch

git merge [commit-ish1] [commit-is2] …

Merge a branch or set of branches into the current working branch

git rebase -i new-base

Apply all commits from the current working branch that do not occur in the history of new-base onto new-base

This command is for advanced developers.

git rebase -i $(git merge-base HEAD ACME-Climate/ACME/master)

Apply all commits in the current working branch onto the base of the current working branch, but allow modification.

This command is for advanced developers.


History Viewing Commands:




git log --oneline --graph --decorate <commit-ish>

Display the history of <commit-ish> as a graph with one line per commit.

git log --branches=*pattern*

Display the history of all local branches that match pattern

git log --remotes=*pattern*

Display the history of all remote tracking branches that match pattern

git log --first-parent <commit-ish>

Display all of the history of <commit-ish> only showing first parent commits

git log --name-only --follow -- path/to/file

Display all of the history of a specific file, including renames.

git log --pretty=format:"%h%x09%an%x09%ad%x09%s"

Display one line summary of commits with date.   Use with ---first-parent on master to see merges to master.