Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Squares = callstacks
  • Ovals = input/output files
  • Green = python
  • Blue = perl
  • Black = raw text
  • Purple = CMakePink =
  • XMLArrow out = Produces
  • Arrow in = Consumes/uses

Explaining a bit further, the build of an E3SM case is primarily influenced by the Setup (case.setup, represented by the left side of the diagram) and Build (, represented by the right side of the diagram) case phases. Case.setup will copy cmake_macros from your repository to your case. These macros include a generic Macros.cmake file which uses case settings to include the various compiler and machine macros needed for the case. Macros.cmake will be copied directly into your case and the rest of the contents of cmake_macros will be recursively copied into $case/cmake_macros. These macro files contain things like which compilers to use, which compiler flags to use, and which link flags to add. The next key task for setup is building namelists for each active component. As best as I can tell, our builds are not influenced by namelist files, but the buildnml scripts are responsible for calling the build configure scripts ($component/bld/configure) which are still in Perl for all our core components. The build configure scripts are responsible for producing two key input files for the build phase, "Filepath" and "CCSM_cppdefs", which will be placed in $case/Buildconf/${component}conf (e.g. $case/Buildconf/camconf/Filepath). Filepath is list of directories that will be globbed for source files. An interesting feature of our build system is that no repeated file basenames are allowed. For example, if Filepath contains directories A and B and A/foo.f90 and B/foo.f90 both exist, then only A/foo.f90 will be compiled by our build system (assuming A came first in the Filepath list). I believe the original intent of this approach was to allow for custom per-case srcmods. CCSM_cppdefs is a list of c preprocessor directives that will be applied to every compilation of every source file in the component. Both Filepath and CCSM_cppdefs are tweakable by users (users can modify these files in-place and re-run
