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1:10-1:40Phil and Shaocheng

Organizational Issues

Go to Organization


Discussion about new capabilities for V3

Goto V3 Discussion 


Understanding the ACME model:

Goto Understanding V1


Diagnostics Discussion


Rapporteur: Susannah Burrows




  • The following people expressed interest in participating discussion about reorganization: Steve Ghan, Po-Lun Ma, Kai Zhang, Hailong Wang, Yun Qian, Rich Neale

  • Shaocheng’s comments:

    • Regarding re-org, Phil and I have discussed this for a long time, but have not started to work on it yet
    • Suggest Phil and I write first draft, then invite comments from others
    • Some of the things being discussed could be proposed to be part of v2 or v3.
  • Peter: why do you need a group to decide how to re-organize?  Is this just scoping / prioritization?

    • Phil: identifying who will work on what?  If we identify a need and don’t have the resources, then we may need to re-allocate resources to do it.  Want to allow conversation to occur about this, and to give an opportunity for input.  Want to play to the strengths of the team, but also to make sure high-priority tasks are addressed.
    • Shaocheng: Since we are approaching the end of the v1 development cycle, people may be wondering what they will be working on next.   Our group has more than 30 or 50 scientists, who can work on different things in parallel.


  • Some science questions (e.g. aerosol indirect effect) don't require coupled simulations.  What science can we do now / what papers can we write?
  • Ruby: effect of high resolution on simulations?  What does high resolution buy us?
  • Hailong: quick comment about diagnostics – when Po-Lun and I were tuning the aerosols, we used the new AOD diagnostics all the time
  • Yun: Recently did some AMAZON work, so I volunteer to replace Jin-Ho on leading Amazon diagnostics
  • Rich Neale: for high resolution simulations we really should be looking at time-step-by-time-step analysis to make sure the model is doing what it should be doing.
  • Yun: aside from the spatial/horizontal resolution, the vertical resolution is important. Po-Lun might want to lead a paper on that.
  • Shaocheng: think about what papers you want to write and the science that would drive those papers.

Where would Atm Team like to take a lead in investigating coupled features?

  • Phil: I tried to identify some important topics that involve interactions with other model components, but in which the atmosphere team would need to play a critical role.
    • ENSO?
    • Surface Mass Balance over Ice Sheets?

Publications (Xie_ACME_Atmos_Publications.pptx)

  • Please send Shaocheng a tentative title for each paper listed here.
  • Think about papers that you could write, especially papers focussed on ACME v1 model developments.
  • Brief explanations of each paper:
    • Hui, Kate, and Chris Terai have papers already submitted
    • Papers in preparation:
    • Po-Lun Ma:
      • Writing paper on aerosol indirect effects, and observational constraints from satellite simulator
      • Tuning papers: I can't write all these papers by myself.  If anyone is interested in any of the tuning experiments and wants to write it up, please come get the climo files from me.
    • Hailong: almost ready to submit paper on ACME aerosol radiative forcing, indirect effect
    • Susannah: writing paper on impact of marine organic emissions in ACME
    • Kai: working on paper on water conservation issues, would like to submit as soon as possible.
    • Yuying: working on paper on COSP simulator.  Plan to submit it in a month or two.
    • Salil: Looking at impact of NAO on extremes, would like to submit in GRL before end of year.
    • Wuyin: Paper focussed on tuning exercise, practical realities of tuning with limited resources.  How to use CAPT to tune the physics and quickly tune the physics response.
    • Yun: Hui and I have done the PPE simulations and will write a paper documenting the framework for UQ analysis and optimization.
    • Regionally-refined model paper was left off the list – it is in development but there were some issues with the v0.3 model, need to update thte model version that we use.
  • Shaocheng, a lot of papers based on v0 model.  Will we repeat these for v1?
    • Phil: sometimes we might write a paper about a methodology, other times we might want to write papers documenting the differences between the old and new models
  • Rich Neale: for v1, is it worth drawing a line and choose a version to run with that can be used to do science, with high-resolution output.
    • Phil: These are the papers that were already started.  There are a slew of papers that I think will be written about the v1 model.
  • Renata: add new planned papers to this list (or update them): /wiki/spaces/ATM/pages/72450145

Diagnostics Discussion ACME_ATM_diags_discussion.pdf

Kate Evans (Unlicensed)

ACME Atmosphere priority metrics

  • Coupled team had a severe need for a package to produce "top-ten" diagnostics.  We produced this tool in response to their request. 
  • We designed it to be familiar to you, look-and-feel is similar to AMWG.  But some improvements:
    • Unlike AMWG, this package is python-based and modular.
    • You can more easily add new plots, code to produce these can be written in python, but other languages can also be used if package can call/link to them.
      • currently using matplotlib (in python)
      • can use other things such as NCL if willing to maintain these on an "opt-in basis"
    • Extensible to include tier 1B
    • quick and easy to run, has validation, reproducibility
    • conda-based (runs in conda python environment)
  • Questions?
    • Rich: Do you envisage this as a single script that could control all the Tier 1b collections?  Could see some benefits, but also some drawbacks to doing it that way.
      • Kate: could use this as a top-tier script that calls other things, or the other way around, or run it within a larger outer shell as one of a number of other things.
      • Kate: hopefully people will work on improving components (e.g. the web page)
    • Rich: graphics: how good are they at doing non-standard plots?  Is the functionality really there in python?
      • Answer: yes.  Matplotlib is very powerful, lots of other community-contributed libraries and packages exist.  PyNGL allows 
    • Scott: will you use this for doing regridding?
      • Kate: Other ACME folks have developed regridding scripts which we are using.
    • Philip: Will you have a set of automatically calculated metrics?
      • Kate: yes we can add that.
    • Todd: We could save these diagnostics in a searchable database.  We should keep that forever.  This is a form of provenance, then people would come back and look at it.
      • Phil: we have already thought about some of these issues, so maybe we can make connections between us.
      • Susannah: Bibi Raju from the workflow team is based at PNNL and is working on database technologies for provenance, and we have been discussing that with them.
      • Phil: Peter and Susannah and I also came up with some ideas about provenance that we would like to track, and some basic mechanisms for doing that which could set a "low bar" for provenance capture.
    • Peter: I'm hearing ideas about different cool things we could do with diagnostics, keep thinking about that.  Also we should think about what requirements we would have.  I have a list of ideas (in the slides), but are there things missing?