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Comment: change "models/ocn" to "components"

This page is for anyone modifying code that is part of an external which was brought in via a git submodule.  Git submodules used for larger external projects where ACME development is expected to take place in the external repository, such as MPAS.  For other applications, see git subtree.      

Before delving into the details of the workflow, we'll explain a bit about what submodules are and some of their benefits. A submodule is in essence a nested git repository within another git repository. The parent repository stores a file which tells git that it has a child repository, what it's clone URL is, what commit the parent wants from within that repository, and where the repository should be clone to (i.e. the local path within the parent repository). For example, if the external was MPAS-O the information the parent might store is:

  1. Clone URL:
  2. Hash: 7621a8cb
  3. Local path: modelscomponents/ocn/mpas-o/model

When the submodule is first cloned into the parent, the current has the parent wants will be checked out. One of the major benefits of using submodules is that the child repository is a complete git repository. This means, a developer of the code brought in via an external can cd into the submodule, add remotes, change branches, and perform their regular workflow without modifying things in the parent. One major downside of using submodules is they can be very fragile if not coupled with a through workflow.

This page will describe the workflow for working with submodules, along with how to create them, and update the code our parent repository wants.


Submodule Setup (One Time Only)


  1. Add the submodule: git submodule add --name <name> -- <clone_url> <local_path>
    1. e.g. git submodule add --name mpaso -- models/ocncomponents/mpas-o/model
  2. Ensure the correct commit is checked out: cd <local_path>; git checkout <ref> (<ref> can be a hash, tag, or a branch)
    1. e.g. cd modelscomponents/ocn/mpas-o-model; git checkout v3.3
  3. Add the submodule changes to the parent repo: cd <parent_root>; git add <local_path>
    1. e.g. cd ACME; git add models/ocncomponents/mpas-o/model
  4. Commit the changes to the parent repo: git commit

Now, once these changes are pushed, anyone who clones the repo or checks out the branch these changes live on, there will initially be an empty directory where the submodule will go, until the submodule is initialized. 

Using a submodule (i.e. ensuring you have the correct code in the submodule)


This will ensure each submodule and their children have fetched and checked out the correct hash.


Contributing changes to the external through a submodule


NOTE: When changing the code in a submodule, the parent changes that depend on the child changes cannot be permanently fixed in the parents history (i.e. merged to master) until they are permanently fixed in the childs repository.


Incorporating new changes in the submodule


  1. Ensure the correct commit is checked out: cd <local_path>; git checkout <ref>
    1. e.g. cd models/ocncomponents/mpas-o/model; git checkout v3.3
  2. Add the submodule change to the parent repo: cd <parent_root>; git add <local_path>
    1. e.g. cd ACME; git add modelscomponents/ocn/mpas-o/model
  3. Commit the changes to the parent repo: git commit

After these changes are pushed, anyone who checks out the newly pushed commits and runs git submodule update will have the newer version of the child repository.