Versions Compared


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  • E3SM V1. V1 Topography: GLL grids

    • V1 uses topography on a GLL grid with a laplacian smoothing. The smoothing reduces the effective resolution of the topography from 2dx to 6.4dx. (effective resolution is determined by the first wavelength to be damped by 50% from the unsmoothed topography, computed via spherical harmonic spectra)

    • V1 only needs data on the GLL grid.

    • Tool chain: Requires cube_to_target, homme_tool, and a SCRIP file for the grid.

    • V1 has poor treatment of topography and compensates in part with increased divergence damping.

  • E3SM V2:V2 Topography: GLL/PG2 grids

    • V2 needs topography on the GLL grid, and then a consistent topography on the PG2 grid (created with the same GLL->PG2 algorithm used internally when running EAM)

    • V2 uses the same smoothing as V1: 50% damping of the 6.4dx wavelength.

    • V2 has improved topography treatment over V1. V2 configurations do not need to run with increased divergence damping.

  • E3SM V3 and EAMxx/SCREAM: V3 Topography: GLL/PG2 grids

    • E3SM V3 and EAMxx have further improved topography treatments ( namelist varaiables pgrad_correction=1, hv_ref_profiles=6, see ( /wiki/spaces/NGDNA/pages/2411397876 ) which allow for rougher topography

    • The V3 tool chain is similar to V2, with minor modifications to in the smoothing algorithm. We further recommend less smoothing, producing rougher topography.

    • The rougher topography datasets are the ones with “x6t” in the name - 6 iterations of the tensor-laplace operator. EAM V3 has further improved topography treatments over EAM V2, supporting significantly rougher topography ( /wiki/spaces/NGDNA/pages/2411397876 ) These improvements are enabled by namelist variables ( pgrad_correction=1, hv_ref_profiles=6) which should be made defaults in V3.