Versions Compared


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Step (a) Remap (with cell averaging) USGS topography data to the atmosphere grid
Step (b) apply dycore-specific smoothing to reduce the amount of gravity wave noise if the topography is too rough. This is a tunable parameter, and a rigorous analysis probably needs to be performed to determine the optimal tuning parameter for future very-high-resolution atmosphere grids.  For physgrid configurations (pg1, pg2, pg3) t here there is the extra step of generating consistent topo data on both the GLL (dynamics) and pgN (physics) grid. 
Step (c) based on the smoothed topography, compute the SGH and SGH30 surface roughness fields used by some parameterizations


  • E3SM V1. V1 Topography: GLL grids

    • V1 uses topography on a GLL grid with a laplacian smoothing. The smoothing reduces the effective resolution of the topography from 2dx to 6.4dx. (effective resolution is determined by the first wavelength to be damped by 50% from the unsmoothed topography, computed via spherical harmonic spectra)

    • V1 only needs data on the GLL grid.

    • Tool chain: Requires cube_to_target, homme_tool, and a SCRIP file for the grid.

    • V1 has poor treatment of topography and compensates in part with increased divergence damping.

  • E3SM V2:V2 Topography: GLL/PG2 grids

    • V2 needs topography on the GLL grid, and then a consistent topography on the PG2 grid (created with the same GLL->PG2 algorithm used internally when running EAM)

    • V2 uses the same smoothing as V1: 50% damping of the 6.4dx wavelength.

    • V2 has improved topography treatment over V1. V2 configurations do not need to run with increased divergence damping.

  • E3SM V3 and EAMxx/SCREAM: V3 Topography: GLL/PG2 grids

    • The (proposed) E3SM V3 and EAMxx have further improved topography treatments ( namelist varaiables pgrad_correction=1, hv_ref_profiles=6, see ( /wiki/spaces/NGDNA/pages/2411397876 ) which allow for rougher topography

    • The V3 tool chain is similar to V2, with minor modifications to in the smoothing algorithm. V3 has further improved topography treatments over V2, supporting significantly rougher topography ( /wiki/spaces/NGDNA/pages/2411397876 )We further recommend less smoothing, producing rougher topography.

    • The rougher topography datasets are the ones with “x6t” in the name - 6 iterations of the tensor-laplace operator.