Meeting’s Logistics, 10 min
Xujing & DOE: DOE perspective, 30 min
DaveDr. Dorothy Koch, DOE Office of Science (SC) Associate Director for Biological and Environmental Research (BER), Remarks, 10 min
Dr. Gary Geernaert, DOE SC/BER Director of Earth and Environmental Systems Sciences Division, Remarks, 10 min
Dr. Xujing Davis, DOE SC/BER Program Manager for E3SM, Remarks, 10 min
Dr. Dave Bader, E3SM PI: State of the E3SM, PI change, 20 min
1:30-5:00, 3h + 30min Breakouts (4 rooms):
2X42x4: 1 h 30 min + 30min Break; 8 Groups Breakouts with Polar + Ice combined, Water Cycle + HES combined (GLs to ask for short presentation from every epic lead and when appropriate a big task lead)
1:30 - 3:00, Coupled, Water Cycle + HES, Polar + Ice, EAMxx
30 min Break
3:30 - 5:00, Infrastructure, Land, Omega, Atmosphere
Wednesday, 2/26/2025
8-10:10, 2h 10 min Plenary:
AI/ML in E3SM, Peter, 45 60 min (Peter: Overview of EESM AI planning effort; Elynn Wu: ACE emulator for E3SM; Andy Salinger : summary of deep dive for framework for incorporating ML-based parameterizations + list of E3SM efforts to create such parameterizations; Peter Caldwell ? Summary of E3SM’s autotuning efforts)
12:00 - 1:30 Lunch
1:30 - 4:30, 3h 2.5h Breakouts:
4x2x (1h 2x1h + 30min break) break 8 groups combined work on 18 months Roadmaps
1:30 - 2:30, Coupled, Water Cycle + HES, Polar + Ice, EAMxx
30 min Break
3:00 - 4:00, Infrastructure, Land, Omega, Atmosphere
30 min Break
4:30- 5:30, 40 min 1 h Plenary:
E3SM Awards, 10 min
Deep Dives, 30 50 min
Thursday, 2/27/2025
8-8:30, 30min Plenary:
Peter: Strategic Plan Update, 30 min
8:30 - 10:10, 1h 40 min 3h Breakouts:
4x each Group, 5 x (20 min +10min) Speed dating with Infrastructure, Performance, Coupled, AI/ML , 1h 40 min
30 min Break
10 min
8:40 - 9:00 Infrastructure/Water Cycle+HES, Performance/EAMxx+Omega, Coupled/Land+Atmosphere, AI/ML/Polar+Ice
10 min break
9:10 - 9:30 Infrastructure/EAMxx+Omega, Performance/Land+Atmosphere, Coupled/Polar+Ice, AI/ML/Water Cycle+ HES
10 min break
9:40 - 10:00 Infrastructure/Land+Atmosphere, Performance/Polar+Ice, Coupled/Water Cycle+ HES, AI/ML/EAMxx+Omega
10 min break
10:10 - 10:30 Infrastructure/Polar+Ice, Performance/Water Cycle +HES, Coupled/EAMxx+Omega, AI/ML/ Land+Atmosphere
10 min break
10:40 - 11:10 Infrastructure + Coupled + Performance + AI/ML, Water Cycle+HES+Polar+Ice, EAMxx+Omega+Land+Atmosphere (30 min)
20 min Break
11:30 - 12:00, 30min Plenary:
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