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Ice sheet coupling with the rest of the model depends on which ice sheet is being modeled, Antarctica or Greenland.


ocean coupling: (glc_c2_ocn): Sg_icemask, Sg_blit, Sg_blis, Sg_lithop, Sg_icemask_grounded


(how tested)









MPAS_LISIO_JRA1p (not tested without mod below)


MPAS_LISIO_JRA1p with mod mpaso/ocn_glcshelf ais8to30, MALI%SIA






gis20 MALI




gis20 MALI





Assuming glc_present and glc_prognostic are TRUE so not including.


prep_lnd_init (glc_c2_lnd)

if(glc_c2_lnd) init mapper_Sg2l, mapper_Fg2l; derive field lists glc2lnd_non_ec_fields and glc2lnd_ec_extra_fields

prep_ocn_init (glc_c2_ocn, glcshelf_c2_ocn)

if (glc_c2_ocn) init mapper_Rg2o_liq and mapper_Rg2o_ice

if(glcshelf_c2_ocn) init mapper_Sg2o and mapper_Fg2o

prep_ice_init (glc_c2_ice, glcshelf_c2_ice)

if (glc_c2_ice) init mapper_Rg2i

if(glcshelf_c2_ice) init mapper_Sg2i,mapper_Fg2i

prep_glc_init( lnd_c2_glc, ocn_c2_glctf, ocn_c2_glcshelf)

if ( lnd_c2_glc .or. do_hist_l2x1yrg) initialize l2gacc_lx with seq_flds_l2x_fields_to_glc

if ( lnd_c2_glc) initialize l2x_gx with seq_flds_x2g_fields

if (lnd_c2_glc) init mapper_Sl2g, mapper_Fl2g, mapper_Fg2l; form g2x_lx_fields

if (ocn_c2_glctf OR ocn_c2_glcshelf) init o2x_gx with seq_flds_o2x_fields; init x2gacc_gx

also init mapper_So2g, mapper_Fo2g and arrays for compute_melt_fluxes

if (ocn_c2_glctf) init mapper_So2g_tf

if(ocn_c2_glcshelf) init mapper_So2g_shelf

if (glc_c2_ocn) do mapping Rg2o_liq, Rg2o_ice; g2x_gx to g2x_ox; seq_flds_g2o_liq/ice_fluxes,

if (glcshelf_c2_ocn) do mapping Sg2o, Fg2o; g2x_gx to g2x_ox MIGHT OVERWRITE ABOVE

if(glc_c2_ice) do mapping Rg2i; g2x_gx to g2x_ix ‘Fixx_rofi’ only

if(glcshelf_c2_ice) do mapping_Sg2i; g2x_gx, g2x_ix, Sg_icemask_coupled_fluxes

if (glc_c2_lnd) prep_lnd_calc_g2x_lx do mapping with Fg2l, from g2x_gx to g2x_lx, only glc2lnd_non_ec_fields (Sg_icemask, Sg_icemask_coupled_fluxes)


call cime_run_glc_setup_send

if (lnd_c2_glc OR ocn_c2_glctf OR ocn_c2_glcshelf)

if (glcrun_avg_alarm) accumulate for lnd and ocn

if (lnd_c2_glc) call prep_glc_calc_l2x_gx


call prep_glc_map_one_state_field_lnd2glc: special bilinear mapping one state at a time: also call map_lnd2glc

if (ocn_c2_glctf) call prep_glc_mrg_ocn

else prep_glc_zero_flds


call cime_run_ocnglc_coupling()

if (ocn_c2_glctf OR (glcshelf_to_ocn AND ocn_to_glcshelf))

call prep_glc_calc_o2x_gx:

if (ocn_c2_gtctf) call mapper_So2g_tf; o2x_ox to o2x_gx seq_flds_x2g_tf_states_from_ocn

if (ocn_c2_glcshelf) call mapper_So2g_shelf; o2x_ox to o2x_gx seq_flds_x2g_shelf_states_from_ocn

if (ocn_c2_glcshelf AND glcshelf_c2_ocn)

call prep_glc_calculate_subshelf_boundary_fluxes


call prep_glc_accum_ocn (accumulate x2g_g fields)

if ( glcshelf_c2_ice) call mapper map_Sg2i; g2x_gx, g2x_ix; Sg_icemask_coupled_fluxes


loop over 1, number of fields in(seq_flds_x2g_fluxes_from_lnd) which is 1, : Flgl_qice

call prep_glc_map_qice_conservative_lnd2glc

end loop

loop over 1, number of fields in seq_flds_x2g_states_from_lnd which is 1, : Sl_tsrf

call prep_glc_map_one_state_field_lnd2gllnd2glc

end loop



using the accumulated l2gacc_lx, map only Flgl_qice (the SMB) using map_lnd2glc to with mapper_Sl2g and l2x_gx

export Flgl_qice from l2x_gx to an array qice_g


if (smb_renormalize) call prep_glc_renormalize_smb using g2x_gx with mapper_Fg2l. Also modifies qice_g

import qice_g back in to l2x_gx in the Flgl_qice attribute.


called by both prep_glc_map_qice_conservative_lnd2glc and prep_glc_map_one_state_field_lnd2glc

maps one field from land with elevation classes to “glacier”

Note: “fieldname” for the “conservative” is Flql_qice which is calculated on multiple elevation classes in the land model.

export Sg_ice_covered and Sg_topo into arrays.

call get_glc_elevation_classes(glc_ice_covered, glc_topo, glc_elevclass) which returns the integer array glc_elevclass that has the elevation class index that glc_topo is contained in. glc_ice_covered is either 0 (bare land) or 1 (fully ice).

call map_bare_land (l2x_l, landfrac_l, “fieldname”, mapper, array) creates an glacier av with fieldname_bare_land = fieldname // elevclass_as_string as the only attribute and maps the one field (which is on elev class 0) to that glacier av from l2x_l. Then pulls out the field into an array and passes it back.

That field is copied to data_g

call map_ice_covered(l2x_l, landfrac_l, “fieldname”, glc_topo, mapper, array) see below. returns an array callled data_g_ice_covered

Form the final data_g field with

Code Block
where (glc_elevclass /= 0)
   data_g = data_g_ice_covered
end where


called only by map_lnd2glc

create a list of of land model attributes with elevation classes except for class 0. Result will be something like 'Flgl_qice01:Flgl_qice02: ... :Flgl_qice10:Sl_topo01:Sl_topo02: ... :Sltopo10'

Create a glacer-sized aV with above attributes.

map l2x_l to that aV with normalization and weights lfrac

loop over elevation classes and export the Flgl_qice and Sl_topo to a 2D array for each elevation class and point.

Create the field on the glacier mesh by looking at the elevation classes.

do i= 1, size_of_glacier_mesh

if topo(i) lt mapped_topo(i,1) then

the actual topography is lower then the height of the lowest elevation class so assign the field value of the lowest elevation class: data(i) = mapped_data(i, 1)

if topo(i) gt mapped_topo(i,nEC) then

the actual topography is higher then highest mapped elevation class so assign the field value of the highest elevation class: data(i) = mapped_data(i,nEC)

else need to do an interpolation with the 2 elevation classes nearest the actual topo.

do j = 2, nEC

if (topo(i) < mapped_topo(i,j) then

elev_lower = mapped_topo(i,j-1)

elev_upper = mapped_topo(i,j)

ediff = elev_upper - elev_lower

data(i) = mapped_data(i,j-1) * (elev-upper - topo(i))/ediff + mapped_data(i,j) * (topo(i)- elev_lower)/ediff




return the data array.


called only by prep_glc_map_qice_conservate_lnd2glc
