l2x states: Sl_tsrf00 through Sl_tsrf10 and Sl_topo00 through Sl_topo10
l2x states to glc: Sl_tsrf00 to Sl_tsrf10 AND Sl_topo00 to Sl_topo10
Sl_tsrf: Surface temperature of glacier (one for each elevation class)
Sl_topo: surface height of glacier (one for each elevation class)
l2x fluxes: Flgl_qice00 through Flgl_qice10
Flgl_qice: New glacier ice flux
l2x_fluxes_to_glc: Flgl_qice00 to Flgl_qice10
Flgl_qice: New glacier ice flux
glc to lnd adds the following coupling fields:
x2l states: Sg_ice_covered00 through Sg_ice_covered10 AND Sg_topo00 through Sg_topo10
x2l states from glc: Sg_ice_covered00 through Sg_ice_covered10 AND Sg_topo00 through Sg_topo10
Sg_ice_covered: Fraction of glacier area
Sg_topo: surface height of glacier
g2x states to lnd: Sg_icemask:Sg_icemask_coupled_fluxes:Sg_ice_covered:Sg_topo
Sg_icemask: Ice sheet grid coverage on global grid
Sg_icemask_coupled_fluxes: Ice sheet mask where we are potentially sending non-zero fluxes
Sg_ice_covered: Fraction of glacier area
x2l fluxes: Flgg_hflx00 to Flgg_hflx10
Flgg_hflx: Downward heat flux from glacier interior.x2l fluxes from glc: Flgg_hflx00 to Flgg_hflx10
Flgg_hflx: Downward heat flux from glacier interior.
Resulting land ice states and fluxes