g2x_states: Sg_icemask, Sg_icemask_coupled_fluxes, Sg_ice_covered, Sg_topo, Sg_blit, Sg_blis, Sg_lithop, Sg_icemask_grounded, Sg_icemask_floating, Sg_tbot, Sg_dztbot
g2x_fluxes: Fogg_rofl, Fogg_rofi, Figg_rofi, Flgg_hflx, Fogx_qicelo, Fogx_qiceho
Flgg_qicelo: Subshelf liquid flux for ocean
Fogx_qiceho: Subshelf heat flux for the ocean
figg_rofi: glc frozen runoff_iceberg flux to ice
g2o_liq_fluxes: Fogg_rofl glc liquid runoff flux to ocean
g2o_iceq_fluxes: Fogg_rofi glc frozen runoff flux to ocean
x2g_states: Sl_tsrf, So_blt, So_bls, So_htv, So_stv, So_rhoeff
Sl_tsrf: Surface temperature of glacier
So_blt: Ice shelf boundary layer ocean temperature
So_bls: Ice shelf boundary layer ocean salinity
So_htv: Ice shelf ocean heat transfer velocity
So_stv: Ice shelf ocean salinity transfer velocity
So_rhoeff: Ocean effective pressure
x2g_states_from_lnd: Sl_tsrf
x2g_fluxes: Flgl_qice, Fogx_qiceli, Fogx_qicehi
Flgl_qice: New glacier ice flux
x2g_fluxes_from_lnd: Flgl_qice
x2l states: Sg_ice_covered00 through Sg_ice_covered10 AND Sg_topo00 through Sg_topo10
x2l states from glc: Sg_ice_covered00 through Sg_ice_covered10 AND Sg_topo00 through Sg_topo10
Sg_topo: surface height of glacier
Sg_ice_covered: Fraction of glacier area
g2x states to lnd: Sg_icemask:Sg_icemask_coupled_fluxes:Sg_ice_covered:Sg_topo
x2l fluxes: Flgg_hflx00 to Flgg_hflx10
Flgg_hflx: Downward heat flux from glacier interior.
x2l fluxes from glc: Flgg_hflx00 to Flgg_hflx10