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This page is a list of titles and authors for all talks and posters in the BER breakout.

Please add talk and poster title information by Friday, August 11.


Wed 9/13 8:30am - 10:30am, project overview talks


  • FAnSSIE: 3 posters

    • Matt Hoffman (LANL): “Framework for Antarctic System Science in E3SM: Goals and plans”

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    • Mauro Perego (SNL): “Advanced PDE-constrained optimization capability for ice sheet calibration”

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    • Carolyn Begeman (LANL): “Towards marine ice-sheet evolution in E3SM: reproducible testing of new physics and uncertainty quantification”

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  • PAESCAL (Lead PI: Hui Wan, Lead institution: PNNL)

    • Hui Wan (PNNL): “PAESCAL, addressing numerical challenges of process coupling in the E3SM atmosphere model”

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    • Hui Wan (PNNL) / Carol Woodward (LLNL): “Towards better numerical treatment of cloud microphysics in Earth system models”

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    • Chris Vogl (LLNL): “Leveraging a theoretical error analysis framework to evaluate numerical process coupling approaches in global atmosphere simulations”

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  • MPAS-MPM-SI: (Lead PI: Deborah Sulsky(UNM), Title: Improved Coupled Climate Simulations in E3SM Through Enhanced Sea Ice Mechanics)

    • Kara Peterson (SNL): “Overview of MPAS-Seaice-MPM”

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    • Onkar Sahni (RPI): “polyMPO: A GPU-enabled Material Point Method Library for MPAS-SeaIce”

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    • Yawen Guan (CSU): “Image warping and the CIEL*Ch color map for analysis and visualization of Arctic sea ice leads”

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  • RDycore: 3 posters

    • Gautam Bisht (PNNL): Capturing the Dynamics of Compound Flooding in E3SM: Project Overview

    • Gautam Bisht (PNNL): Initial Development of the Coupled E3SM-RDycore model: A Case Study of Houston Harvey Flooding

    • Matt Knepley (U. Buffalo): Model Development Workflow and Exascale Computing Strategy for RDycore

  • QBO in E3SM: 3 posters

    • James Benedict (LANL): “Improving the QBO in E3SM through parameter optimization and vertical grid modification: An overview“

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    • Khachik Sargsyan (Sandia): “Uncertainty Quantification and Parameter Calibration for High-Dimensional Output Fields of Earth System Models”

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    • Walter Hannah (LLNL): “Impacts of Stratospheric Vertical Grid Refinement in E3SM”

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  • ImPACTS: 3 posters

    • Luke Van Roekel (LANL) : ImPACTS project overview

    • Wei Xu (BNL) – In person presenters will be Shinjae Yoo (BNL) and Han Wei Shen (OSU) – “Initial explorations in using AI analysis and Lagrangian particles for understanding AMOC”

    • Alice Barthel (LANL) and Sri Hari Krishna Narayanan (ANL): “Perturbed Parameter Ensembles of varying complexity, initial analysis and AI training.”

  • SEAHORCE: 3 posters

    • Ann Almgren (LBNL): ROMS-X, a GPU enabled version of ROMS

    • Vijay Mahadevan (ANL): Consistent coupling of MPAS-O and ROMS ocean models

    • Rob Hetland (PNNL): Systematic comparison of MPAS-O and ROMS across scales