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Dates: Tuesday Sept 12th to 14th (People Check in on 11th evening)


Format: In Person with hybrid options for plenaries only. 

Coordinators for BER component of meeting: Xujing Jia Davis , Hui Wan , Matt Hoffman

General Planning

General plans for BER component of workshop need to be finalized by Friday, April 28. To meet this deadline, all input from SciDAC PIs needs to be received by Wednesday, April 26.

Items that we need to decide on:

  1. Who to participate for each project: ASCR is the host of the meeting including all SciDAC partnerships. Each partnership like BER has 16 in-person slots (12 Lab and 4 non-Lab, with the Lab number being a cap). However, if we include project members from SciDAC institutes, those members do not count toward the 16. Though this is early, we need a preliminary list to plan from this week.

    • Plan:

      • Each SciDAC project sends ~3 project members:

        • PI (counts against BER quota)

        • 1 non-SciDAC-Institute member (counts against BER quota). Consider sending your E3SM POC or an E3SM project member. Also consider a non-lab team member.

        • 1 (or more) SciDAC Institute members (does not count against BER quota)

      • There is a little flexibility for a project to potentially send an additional team member. If there are others interested, please indicate an alternate.

    • Preliminary Planned Attendance List
      TODO: Please add by Wed. 4/26. Indicate which planned attendees are SciDAC Institute member(s)

      • RDycore (PI Bisht)

        • Gautam Bisht (PNNL) *PI

        • Mark Adams (LBNL) *SciDAC Institute member

        • Matt Knepley (Univ. of Buffalo)

      • FAnSSIE (PI Matt Hoffman)

        • Matt Hoffman (LANL) *PI

        • Mauro Perego (SNL) *SciDAC Institute member

        • Carolyn Begeman (LANL) * E3SM member

        • Mark Shephard (RPI) * SciDAC Institute member and University Partner attending under FASTMath slot

        • Kim Liegeois (SNL) * Alternate if space allows; SciDAC Institute member

      • MPAS-SI-MPM (PI Sulsky)

        • Deborah Sulsky (UNM, PI)

        • Kara Peterson (SNL)

        • Yawen Guan (CSU)

        • Adrian Turner (LANL, E3SM POC)

        • Onkar Sahni (RPI, SciDAC Institute member)

      • ImPACTS (PI Van Roekel)

        • Luke Van Roekel (LANL) *PI

        • Han Wei Shen (Ohio State) *University Partner

        • Krishna Narayanan (ANL)

        • Shinjae Yoo (BNL) *SciDAC institute member (will travel on separate funds to meeting)

        • Alice Barthel (LANL) *Alternate if space allows.

      • QBO in E3SM (PI Benedict)

        • Jim Benedict (LANL) *PI

        • Khachik Sargsyan (SNL) *SciDAC Institute member

        • Walter Hannah (LLNL, E3SM POC)

        • Jack Chen (NCAR) *Non-DOE partner

      • SEAHORCE (PI Hetland)

        • Rob Hetland (PNNL) *PI

        • Ann Almgren (LBNL) *SciDAC Institute member

        • Darren Engwirda (LANL) *E3SM representative

      • PAESCAL (PI Hui Wan)

        • Hui Wan (PNNL) *PI

        • Chris Vogl (LLNL)

        • Ann Almgren (LBNL) *SciDAC Institute member

        • Carol Woodward (LLNL) *SciDAC Institute member

  2. The Agenda for BER-ASCR partnership breakout session:

    • ASCR has a 4-hour time slot for parallel breakout sessions for each partnership on the 2nd day , Sep 13th. For BER’s 4 hour session, I am thinking about each project has a presentation to inform each other, then keep sufficient time for discussion.

      • Plan for the 8:30-10:30 block

        • 5 min opening remarks/welcome from Xujing

        • 7x (12 min presentation + 3 min Q&A) from individual projects

          • Focus on providing an overview of the scientific/technical challenges and introducing the project team

          • Can show a few highlights per project and/or point to posters but no need to cover all tasks

        • 10 min discussions on contents presented by projects.

      • Plan for the 10:45-12:45 block

        • 5 min opening remarks/welcome from Sarat

        • 15 min x 2 presentations from the two SciDAC Institutes focusing on the BER partnership

          • Success stories and lessons learned from previous rounds of SciDAC

          • Highlights of (ongoing and planned) collaborative tool development/application during SciDAC5

          • Tools available or under development at the institutes that are of potential interest to the BER partnership

          • Challenges encountered so far in SciDAC5

        • 60 min discussion on a few focused topics

          • Solicit topics from project teams and the institutes

          • 3 20-minute topical discussions in roundtable format with 1 member from each project

          • A moderator selected for each topic who prepares 1 motivation slide (summary/provocative statements) to spur discussion

          • Potential topics:
            TODO: Please add +1 to topics below and/or add new ideas.

            • cross-project collaboration (within SciDAC and with E3SM) +3

            • common challenges in terms of science/technology and teaming/management; possible solutions +1

            • Supercomputing resources, needs, anticipated landscape, challenges, solutions +2

            • DEI challenges and strategies +2

            • Multiscale representation as a cross-cutting technical strategy - approaches and challenges +3

            • GPU-based code activities in MPAS core tools

            • Material point/particle-based approaches in MPAS core tools for tracers and other uses.

        • 25 min open discussion

    • Right now, the breakout session is only for in-person participation, I argued that hybrid format (either webinar format via zoom or webcast live breakout session discussions would be helpful based on the input from Hui and Matt) will enable broader participation from our project members. I will discuss with Lali if that would be possible.   

  3. Poster Sessions on Days I and II: total number of posters and choice to keep same set of posters for both days or rotating posters day to day

    • Each Partnership (and Institute) will have their own area and poster boards

    • Poster Space is 4 ft x 4 ft for each poster

    • Programs should provide info on expected # of posters by late April

    • PDFs of posters can be posted on the website if presenters wish to do so

    • Plan: (Comments welcome)

      • 2-3 posters from each project (suggested topics, but not required):

        • 1 project overview poster

        • 1 poster highlighting a successful integration of BER and ASCR components of your project

        • 1 poster highlighting a successful tool, framework, or method that might be of interest to the larger BER community

      • This would yield 21 posters. This is a small enough number to leave all posters up both days, if space can accommodate that.

      • TODO: Please indicate by Wed. 4/26 if you plan to present 2 or 3 posters. We’ll assume 3 if we have not heard otherwise.

        • FAnSSIE: 3 posters

        • PAESCAL: 3 posters

        • MPAS-MPM-SI: 3 posters

        • RDycore: 3 posters

        • QBO in E3SM: 3

        • ImPACTS: 2 posters

List of SciDAC Institute members on each project

Institute membership listed here:

TODO: Please list by Wed. 4/26


RDycore (PI Bisht)

  • Mark Adams (LBNL, FASTMath)


FAnSSIE (PI Matt Hoffman)

  • Mauro Perego (SNL, FASTMath)

  • John Jakeman (SNL, FASTMath)

  • Jonathan Hu (SNL, FASTMath)

  • Mark Shephard (RPI, FASTMath)

  • Cameron Smith (RPI, FASTMath)

  • Sam Williams (LBNL, RAPIDS2)



  • Onkar Sahni (RPI, FASTMath)

  • Mark Shephard (RPI, FASTMath)

  • Cameron Smith (RPI, FASTMath)


ImPACTS (PI Van Roekel)

  • Tom Peterka (ANL, RAPIDS2)

  • Shinjae Yoo (BNL, RAPIDS2)

  • Hanqi Guo (OSU, RAPIDS2)

  • Prasanna Balaprakash (ORNL, RAPIDS2)

  • Wei Xu (BNL, RAPIDS2)

  • Xihaier Luo (BNL, RAPIDS2)

  • Yihui Ren (BNL, RAPIDS2)

  • Jan Huckelheim (ANL, RAPIDS2)


QBO in E3SM (PI Benedict)

  • Mike Eldred (SNL, FASTMath)

  • Khachik Sargsyan (SNL, FASTMath)

  • Bert Debusshere (SNL, FASTMath)



  • Ann Almgren (LBNL, FASTMath)

  • Jean Sexton (LBNL, FASTMath)

  • Hannah Klion (LBNL, FASTMath)



Ann Almgren (LBNL, FASTMath)


Carol Woodward (LLNL, FASTMath)


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