Versions Compared


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General instructions for creating new grids are at Running E3SM on New Atmosphere Grids , which also include specific instructions for RRM.

Atmosphere grids have a grid quality metric which measure the element distortion (see Running E3SM on New Atmosphere Grids). A high quality RRM grid with smooth transition region will have a value <= 4.


Grid Name

Target Fine Resolution

Target Coarse Resolution

Goals in mesh creation

Link to mesh graphic

Grid quality metricmetrics


Contact Person

v2 North American RRM


atm/land: 25 km (ne120)
ocean/ice: 14 km

atm/land: 100 km (ne30)
ocean/ice: 60 km

See figures in the paper

elem distortion: 3.76
area based dx:
min=17 km
max=117 km

Described in Tang et al., (GMDD 2022)

Qi Tang

v2 Antarctic RRM


atm/land: 25 km (ne120)

atm/land: 100 km (ne30)



Qi TangWuyin Lin

CONUS Extremes-Optimized RRM (HyperFACETS)

atm/land: 25 km (ne120)

atm/land: 100 km (ne30)

28km over CONUS and Atlantic TC region; 55km over eastern Pacific to better capture ARs


Paul Ullrich


atm/land: 25 km (ne120)

atm/land: 100 km (ne30)

elem distortion: 4.26
area based dx:
min=23 km
max=125 km


Ben Hillman

Storm-Resolving Grids
