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Create a land model benchmarking capability for ACME
2.OwnerForrest M. Hoffman (Unlicensed)
4.Equ(warning) (tick) 
5.Ver(warning) (tick) 
6.Perf(warning) (tick) 
7.Val(warning) (tick) 
8.ApproverWilliam Riley (Unlicensed), Peter Thornton
9.Approved Date
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Title: Create a Land Model Benchmarking Capability for ACME


A land model benchmarking package will be implemented, leveraging the ongoing ILAMB development in the RGCM-funded BGC Feedbacks SFA, for routine and systematic assessment of land model fidelity through comparison with observational data. Initially, a recent version of the ILAMB prototype will be installed and tested using ACME Land Model (ALM) output. New model–data comparisons will be added by the team of ACME benchmark developers for evaluating the impact of new feature implementation on the overall scientific performance of ALM in coupled and uncoupled configurations. The Workflow Team will be encouraged to adopt this evolving benchmarking package for operational use for evaluating relevant contemporary land and Earth system model simulations. A next-generation version of ILAMB, currently under development and offering parallel processing capabilities, will be used after v1 model activities are complete.


Requirement: Install and test the ILAMB prototype code and processed observational data on

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Contributors: Forrest M. Hoffman (Unlicensed)

A recent version of the ILAMB prototype code (nominally version 1.2.1) and the associated processed observational data will be installed on This package will be tested using sample output from CLM4.0CN, CLM4.5BGC, and a corresponding offline ALM simulation.

Algorithmic Formulations

Design solution: Scoring metrics will be developed as needed for model–data comparison

Date last modified:  
Contributors: Forrest M. Hoffman (Unlicensed)


All new observational data will be accompanied by metrics for comparison with model output. These metrics will be clearly documented in the evolving

View file
. Description of Scoring Metrics and Data Processing.

Design and Implementation



Install and test the ILAMB prototype code and processed observational data on

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Forrest M. Hoffman (Unlicensed)


This section should detail the plan for implementing the design solution for requirement XXX. In general, this section is software-centric with a focus on software implementation. Pseudo code is appropriate in this section. Links to actual source code are appropriate. Project management items, such as svn branches, timelines and staffing are also appropriate. How do we typeset pseudo code?
ILAMB code will be copied to the target system along with the observational data package and example model output. The ILAMB code will be tested and ported as necessary for correct operation on the target system.

Planned Verification and Unit Testing 

Verification and Unit Testing:


Install and test the ILAMB prototype code and processed observational data on

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(add your name to this list if it does not appear

Forrest M. Hoffman (Unlicensed)


How Resulting diagnostics and scores will XXX be tested? i.e. how will be we know when we have met requirement XXX. Will these unit tests be included in the ongoing going forward?be compared with the same model and code set at

Planned Validation Testing 

Validation Testing:


Install and test the ILAMB prototype code and processed observational data on

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 (add your name to this list if it does not appear

Forrest M. Hoffman (Unlicensed)


Model output from ALM will XXX be tested? What observational or other dataset will be used?  i.e. how will be we know when we have met requirement XXX. Will these unit tests be included in the ongoing going forward?be run through the system and compared with that from CLM4.0CN and CLM4.5BGC. If all of the diagnostics and scores are reasonable for all three model outputs, the package will be considered to have passed validation.

Planned Performance Testing 

Performance Testing:


Install and test the ILAMB prototype code and processed observational data on

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 (add your name to this list if it does not appear

Forrest M. Hoffman (Unlicensed)


How will XXX be tested? i.e. how will be we know when we have met requirement XXX. Will these unit tests be included in the ongoing going forward?No performance testing is planned for the ILAMB prototype. Considerable performance testing is being performed for the next-generation package.