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Contact: Ryan Forsyth

Long Term Archiving with zstash



  • Useful Aliases

    • The aliases provided in this section may be useful.

  • Configuring the Model Run – Run Script

    • The run-script remains mostly the same between runs. Users can change configuration parameters in it though.

  • Running the Model

    • It is recommended to run a few short tests before starting a production simulation.

  • Short Term Archiving

    • To avoid having so many output files in one directory, we can archive output into appropriate subdirectories.

  • Performance Information

    • PACE is used to display performance information from a run.

  • Re-Submitting a Job After a Crash

    • If a job crashes, it is easy to re-submit after making a fix.

  • Post-Processing with zppy

    • zppy is a tool that brings multiple post-processing tools together – with zppy you , users can easily run E3SM Diags and MPAS-Analysis as well as generate global time series plots.

  • Documenting the Model Run

    • Model runs should be documented on its own Confluence page providing run details and results.

  • Long Term Archiving with zstash

    • zstash can be used to archive results for the long-term.


Edit the file and customize as needed. The file is structured with [section] and [[sub-sections]]. There is a [default] section, followed by additional sections for each available zppy task (climo, ts, e3sm_diags, mpas_analysis, …). Sub-sections can be used to have multiple instances of a particular task, for example regridded monthly or globally averaged time series files. Refer to the zppy documentation for more details.


Code Block
cd <simulations_dir>/<case_name>/post/scripts
cat *.status # should be a list of "OK"
grep -v "OK" *.status # lists files without "OK"

If you re-run zppy, it will check status of tasks and will skip any task if its status is “OK”.

As your simulation progresses, you can update the post-processing years in the configuration file and re-run zppy. Newly added task will be submitted, while previously completed ones will be skipped.


Make a bulleted list of links, e.g., for<username>/E3SM/v2/beta/<case_name>/mpas_analysis/ts_0001-0050_climo_0021-0050/, create a bullet “1-50 (time series), 21-50 (climatology)”.

Long Term Archiving with zstash

Simulations that are deemed sufficiently valuable should be archived using zstash for long-term preservation.


Compy, Anvil and Chrysalis do not have local HPSS. We rely on NERSC HPSS for long-term archiving. Archiving requires a few separate steps:

  1. Run 'zstash create' to archive to local disk.

  2. Using Globus, transfer zstash archive files (everything under the zstash/ subdirectory) to NERSC HPSS. Select the option to preserve original files modification date.

  3. Run 'zstash check' to verify integrity of zstash archive (and their transfer).

  4. Update simulation Confluence page with path to HPSS.
