Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


<simulations_dir>: /lcrc/group/e3sm/<username>/E3SM_simulations/

<post_processing_dir>: /home/<username>/E3SM/utils/post_v2/

So, it may be useful to set the following aliases:


  • readonly CODE_ROOT="${HOME}/E3SM/code/${CHECKOUT}": where the E3SM code will be checked out.

  • readonly CASE_ROOT="/lcrc/group/e3sm/${USER}/E3SM_simulations/${CASE_NAME}": where the results will go. If you’re using the aliases defined in “Useful Aliases”, simulations will take you to the directory where The directory ${CASE_NAME} will gobe in <simulations_dir>.

# Sub-directories (leave unchanged)


In the “Notes” section, mention if a job failed or if you changed anything before re-running a job.

Global time series


E3SM Diags

The template page already includes baseline diagnostics. Add your own diagnostics links labeled as <start_year>-<end_year>.

Your diagnostics are located at the web address corresponding to the www path in <post_processing_dir>/<case_name>.cfg.

Load the E3SM unified environment. For LCRC machines, this is: source /lcrc/soft/climate/e3sm-unified/ Commands for other machines can be found at has the file paths and corresponding web links for each machine. For LCRC, this www would be /lcrc/group/acme/public_html/diagnostic_output/<username>/E3SM/v2/beta and the web address would be<username>/E3SM/v2/beta/<case_name>/.

Then run the following commands:

NOTE: the scripts global_time_series_plots/ and global_time_series_plots/ will be made available soon.

Code Block
# Create xml files for atm
cd <simulations_dir>/<case_name>/post/atm/glb/ts/monthly/10yr
cdscan -x glb.xml *.nc # produces a file named `glb.xml`

# Create ocean time series                                                      
mkdir -p <simulations_dir>/<case_name>/post/ocn/glb/ts/monthly/10yr # Create subdirectories
cd <path>/global_time_series_plots
# Change `path_in` and `path_out` in

# Create xml for for ocn                                                        
cd <simulations_dir>/<case_name>/post/ocn/glb/ts/monthly/10yr
cdscan -x glb.xml *.nc # produces a file named `glb.xml`

# Copy moc file
cd <simulations_dir>/<case_name>/post/analysis/mpas_analysis/cache/timeseries/moc
cp ../../../../../ocn/glb/ts/monthly/10yr/

# Update time series figures
cd <path>/global_time_series_plots                                                    
# Add a dictionary of relevant file paths to `exps` in ``

That will produce coupled_v2_test02.pdf and coupled_v2_test02.png.

Two options to obtain the image on your computer.

  • Copy coupled_v2_test02.png to the machine’s web server. has the file paths and corresponding web links for each machine. For LCRC, this www would be /lcrc/group/acme/public_html/diagnostic_output/<username>/E3SM/v2/beta/<case_name>/ and the web address would be<username>/E3SM/v2/beta/<case_name>/. From the web address you can download the image to your computer.

  • You can scp the file to your computer. For Chrysalis, you’d run the following command locally: scp <username><path>/global_time_series_plots/coupled_v2_test02.png .

Once you have the image on your computer you can download it to your page.

E3SM Diags

The template page already includes baseline diagnostics. Add your own diagnostics links labeled as <start_year>-<end_year>.

Your diagnostics are located at the web address corresponding to the www path in <post_processing_dir>/<case_name>.cfg.

See the “Global time series” section above for finding the relevant web links. Fill the table with the specific web links, : e.g.,<username>/E3SM/v2/beta/<case_name>e3smname>/e3sm_diags/180x360_aave/model_vs_obs_0001-0020/viewer/.

MPAS Analysis

See the “E3SM Diags” “Global time series” section above for finding the relevant web links.
