Versions Compared


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  • model currently has large aerosol indirect effects, this is partly due to radiative transfer treating all clouds (including both stratiform and deep convective clouds) the same.  Should modify to allow for separate subcolumns and separate properties for stratiform and deep convective clouds.
  • Comments from the floor:
    • Philip: Most of the chemistry that is listed is actually representation of aerosols, not chemistry.  Maybe some more chemistry should be discussed later.
    • Yun: You listed a lot of ideas, but we will not be able to do all of them.  We will have to determine priorities.  These should depend on the science goals, how large the impacts are, whether we have the necessary expertise on the team, and the computational cost.
    • Dorothy: question about tracers and performance.  Effort was underway to make tracer transport more efficient, improve parallelization.  What is the outcome of this?
      • Phil: I'm not aware of anyone working on this on ACME right now, could you connect us?
      • Dorothy: Mark Taylor and Phil Jones are working on algorithms for this.
    • Julio: Surface drag and other sorts of drag processes ought to be somewhere on the radar screen
    • Shaocheng: Phil, you listed a number of things, do you have a detailed plan on these? Phil: I know how I would do it.  Shaocheng: we should also coordinate with CMDV.
  • Hailong: added volcanic aerosol treatment, which is very important.  Dick Easter and Steve Ghan worked on implementing this in CCSM, so we have the expertise.  Phil: This would require some justification.
  • Rich: How do you envision the division between v2 and v3: will we work in parallel on efforts for v2 and v3, or is it more linear?
    • Phil: several possible ways to work moving forward
      • learning about the model we have, documenting it in publications
      • if we learn about problems, devote human resources to fix them as quickly as possible
      • if we identify known deficiencies, or features that are important for the next-generation science problems, start working on those today
      • work with coupled team and other teams (ocean, sea ice) to identify opportunities
  • Scott: for v2 model, is there a target resolution?  A lot of processes are scale-dependent, so developments might depend on this.
    • Ruby: v3 is quite a few years out, so higher-resolution is possible as target
    • Phil: we will likely be doing exploratory high-resolution simulations at higher resolution before v3.
  • Anshu: as part of CMDV, I'm responsible for testing, and building a culture of testing.  We are tasked with making the model development process easier through testing.  Some of us are meeting tomorrow at lunchtime, all are welcome to join.  I have a history of working with large physical development codes that have seen clear benefits from testing, so I urge this project to adopt testing practices as well.
    • Phil: as we move forward, we will need to adapt to higher bar for testing set by technical teams
    • Anshu: I don't want to impose, I want to persuade you that this is needed
  •  Po-Lun: in v1 we had very strong AIE, and tried to reduce these by tuning, but we know that some process improvements are needed to improve aerosol-cloud interactions.
    • Phil: thanks, that is an oversight.  We will want to do better on cloud treatments including cloud microphysical treatments
  • Philip C-S: 

Understanding The ACME model:
