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#A08 Why Does the ACME v1 Model Drizzle Too Much and What Impact Does This Have? (E3SM Conferences and Meetings)
#A03 Parametric sensitivity and optimization in ACME-V1 atmosphere (E3SM Conferences and Meetings)
#C01 Priority Metrics and Diagnostics vs. CMIP5 (E3SM Conferences and Meetings)
#C03 Sea surface temperature and salinity south of Java as predictors of Indonesian precipitation (E3SM Conferences and Meetings)
#A09 Orographic Rainfall Biases in the ACME/CESM models (E3SM Conferences and Meetings)
#A01 Spatial distributions and radiative forcing of aerosols in ACME v1-beta (AV1C-04P) (E3SM Conferences and Meetings)
#C02 Variability of the Arabian Sea Circulation from ACME V0.1 (E3SM Conferences and Meetings)
#L09 Parametric Uncertainty Quantification and Dimensionality Reduction for ALM at FLUXNET Sites (E3SM Conferences and Meetings)